im just not hungry.

I have notice that I am just not hungry. Like if my husband didnt ask me I wouldn't even remember. Thats strange to me because im breastfeeding 24/7 and what I know is the breastfeeding makes you hungrier. Like I could go for days without eating. The longest I've gone is about a day n 1/2 n the only reason I ate was because my boobies were floppy...Idk do you think im doing this subconsciously??
Is it normal in any way?
Idk I just dont want my milk supply run down because of this.


  • You need to eat! Your body needs nutrients to produce breast milk and so far you are ok due to the fat stores you accumulated during pregnancy. You are running a risk of becoming mildly malnourished and also of diminishing your milk supply. You don't have to eat a lot, just make sure you make wise wholesome choices in your diet. I would make sure you are taking a multivitamin since you are forgetting to eat. Lastly, I would keep an eye on your disinterest in eating because you may be suffering from PPD, which hasn't manifested itself entirely. Good luck. :)
  • You just gave birth? It is extremely normal and prevalent after birth. I wasn't hungry for weeks afterwards. Are you on any pain meds? That will suppress your hunger as well. Like @mijita said, you have to force yourself to eat something.
  • I was the same way after I had Kaylee. I wasn't eating at all bc I wasn't hungry and plus I was stressed about my lo being a hour and 45 mins away in a nicu. I was pumping milk to take to her but bc I wasn't eating, my milk dried up so I had to formula feed. You definitly need to make yourself eat if u want to keep bfing. I wish I could've continued after my baby came home.
  • @tootie08 oh im srry u didnt get to n that ur bby was in the nicu. I will maybe it is just stress thank u love.
  • @Mijita I felt I was going thru ppd earlier but I felt that it got better. But maybe I just don't feel it but its coming out like this. I want to keep bfing so I'll just put it on a timer. Thank you to, you and @captivated...I didn't know it was normal I was the same way after my baby boy but it went away in about two week. N I was on pain meds but its been about a week already.
  • I wasn't hungry either breastfeeding my ended up resulting in not making my milk fatty enough, my milk almost dried up, and he was losing weight instead. So you gotta make sure you eat. Keep a bag of mixed nuts, or a piece of fruit by you where ever you nurse your baby..and a bottle of water. :)
  • Yea what I have been doing is drinking a lot of water but I have also notice that my milk is kind of watery. @EricaK22
  • Milk gets watery when you are engorged. The hindmilk, fatty stuff, is at the very end of pumping or feeding.
  • Oh wow really?? I did not know that. @captivated
  • Yep, foremilk is very watery :) baby will have a lot of green poop if getting a lot of foremilk. Normal though!
  • What if the baby poop is like orange?? @captivated
  • How long after having the baby, does it stop hurting during breastfeeding? I hadthe not eating problem 8 months ago with my son, and it never stopped hurting after two Weeks, so I just gave up, and stated bottle feeding. I'm 3 months pregnant again, and I would like to give this one last shot.. But I need some amazing advice. Idk why breastfeeding is so hard for me I even had a hard time with my five andsix year old when they were babies. It would be awesome to conquer this.
  • That's normal, the orange.

    @emmieken, it took me three weeks or so for the soreness to go away!
  • edited July 2012
    Buy some nipple cream because with my first born I use love to bf him but with my girl its so hard. So my husband bought me some cream that it ok to but before, during,.after n its the best. So try puting cream after every shower untill ur bby is born. for they can be ready when you lo comes. @Emmieken
  • I did the cream with my last, religiously. Nothing worked. I would cry while breast feeding. It hurt so bad, that I would bite down on an extra pacifier. I still have some cream left over, so I will try applying now until the baby gets here. I am 13w3d. Of course, I'll continue once the baby gets here too! Lol. Any other tips? And about the breastfeeding and not eating thing, that's okay? I would eat small snacks here and there. But for the most part just drank water or gatorade.
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