Compelled to continue ...

edited July 2012 in Breastfeeding
TO PUMP, ugh!

Lily is a year and I'm still compelled to pump to make her morning cream of wheat. I am so over pumping!


  • I don't pump anymore! I stopped around 9 months. I despise pumping!!!
  • My child is going to be one of those five year olds still breastfeeding. Lol
  • edited July 2012
    I only pump in the morning for her cereal. I despise pumping too! I just don't feel like introducing whole milk yet. I'm hoping she'll self wean before 2, but she loves the boob entirely too much at night, so I may be right there with you. What's a mom to do?

  • I only planned on breastfeeding for six months! He is so obsessed with it. We won't be stopping anytime soon. i will just have to wait until this little boy is ready. He turns a year next week. I don't want to give him whole milk either, but not wild about the other options either.
  • Haylee just turned 1 year on the 8th and I turned my WIC pump back in this week. OMG.. I am so over pumping. I was excited to drop it off. They offered me a free personal pump of my own since I pumped so long I said.. heck NAW you can keep that.

    Haylee's Dr said to start giving her 16 ounces of whole milk now even if I still BF.

    I'm started to push her toward that milk so I can wing her off and take my boobies back.
  • @YNVTish, Oooo, I'm so jealous! Lily turned 1 on the 15th, her check-up is Tuesday. I'm sure her Dr. will also tell me to start whole milk. I'll wait until then and then probably start her on organic. I'm hesitant, lol. I too want my boobies back, or should I say deflated wannabes.
  • LOL @mijita ... Deflated wannabes! Seriously!

    I know it'll be several months to maybe a year before I can wing her ... But I'm trying my best
  • You gals talking about bfing longer than you want reminds me of the movie grown It was hilarious. :)
  • @Wilsomom, oh I absolutely love BFing! I absolutely HATE pumping! LOL. Yet, I feel compelled to continue, when I know I could use whole milk to make my LO's cereal in the morning. It just feels so inadequate for her, but yet it's not for me -- go figure! I won't be weaning anytime soon. I don't think ”I'm” ready, lol.

    How are you?
  • @mijita - I thought you were taking about breast feeding lol, actually I would be compelled to too, cow's milk for a wee one just doesn't sound right! ;)
    I'm doing good now, thanks! A little ups & downs, but mostly up. :)
  • @Wilsomom, I'm so glad to hear it!!
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