
Dermatillomania is a compulsive skin picking disorder. I have been doing research on it since I believe this is what I have. Does anyone have any experience with it or know of anyone who does?

I have been picking my arms since I can remember. I do it without even realizing I am doing it sometimes and when I do notice I keep telling myself as I am doing it "I'm done after this one" (I pick little bumps on my arms, legs, face, stomach, basically anywhere now but it all started with my arms). I am not sure how or when it started but I don't remember not doing it. While I am doing it I actually get pleasure out of it and it relieves stress. Lately I have been realizing I have been doing it a lot and my arms look sooo bad! They usually look bad but now they look really bad. Starting now I am going to make a conscious effort not to pick any more. My husband is going to help me by letting me know when I am doing if I don't realize myself which does happen a lot. Its embarrassing for me and I do not want Lillian to grow up to be embarrassed of me and my "lizard arms" as my husband likes to call them.


  • Wow I have never heard of this but I think it is great that you want to stop. Maybe you can seek a doctors help. My husband has this thing where he squeezes my hand when he is nervous or something. And he also tells me it relaxes his and relieves his stress I never have seen it as a problem maybe u do it unconsiously
  • My fiance picks himself all the time. He has acne on his back and he just picks at them constantly. It's not even that bad of acne but he picks so Much that his back is completely full of scabs and scars. I'm embarrassed for him when he takes his shirt off. He's started doing it other soon as he feels a bump he just picks at it for days/weeks and leaves horrible scars. Every night while watching tv and right before he goes to bed he sits in front of the mirror in the bathroom and picks himself for about 20 mins. I've talked to him about it and he just denies there's a problem.
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  • @redhead25 Thats basically what I do. I do it most at night right before bed probably to me just relieving the stress of the day. I will pick my arms even if there is really nothing there to pick its crazy. Ive always thought it was a problem but until recently I never wanted to stop so I would deny there was a problem too. So maybe he knows but isnt quite ready to admit it.
    @salasmommy I do do it unconsiously. Most of the time I do not realize I am doing it until its too late and my arms look crazy! I am going to try to stop on my own now that
    I realize how much of a problem it is but if it doesnt work I will see a doctor about it.
  • I do the same thing, but with my dry scalp. It started in like 6th grade. I think it's a stress thing. I get dry patches on my scalp and I'll pick at them til they bleed. It's really embarrassing since I'm a hairstylist and I get my hair done a lot. I know what you mean about it relieving stress though, it's weirdly satisfying yet totally gross!!! Lol I feel better knowing in not alone though!!
  • @mama_kat I have read about that too since it is related to what I do. I also get pleasure from plucking hairs but I can stop before its too late unlike my picking. Im sorry you have been dealing with it for so long...have you ever looked into help from a doctor or anything? Im just curious what can be done to stop the impulse.
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  • @starrxoxo9 I feel better knowing im not alone too! But I know every time I do it Im thinking why do I keep doing this it looks so bad! but I do it again a little later or the next day and im completely satisfied while doing it but afterwards I regret it!
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  • @mama_kat Thanks I will if I feel I cant do this on my own!
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  • @mama_kat thanks I will definitely be looking into help. All my family and really close friends know what I do its very obvious but I think my husband is the only one that understands that I dont do it on purpose and he realizes that I do it when im stressed and anxious which is seems like almost all the time recently. so he is going to support me through it all.
  • edited July 2012
    @bettymomma I was actually reading that it is hereditary. I think my mom used to pick at her arms too but hasnt since she was a teen. Its weird but since I have all these crazy stretchmarks on my stomach from being pregnant I cant stop picking at them now they get these bumps on them that I just feel a need and urge to pick until my stomach is all red with puffy stops. And my arms usually look reallllly bad with big red spots and scabs. You are not alone!
  • @bettymomma I do that too. It makes me feel a 100x better that im not alone!
  • Omg i do this all the time. Especially to the backs of my legs and tmi-butt cheeks and arms.really any bump or scab or my scalp. Im constantly picking myself. I feel embarrassed talking about it. I pick the dry skin on my feet too. Ive always had to chew it too. Gross i know. I dont know why i do it. Ive never told anyone this. But i pick EVERYTHING even my nose. Its very compulsive and i cant stop.
  • edited July 2012
  • @steph_due_101611 I think because it is embarrassing for people that's what we don't talk about it and know that your not alone but I have found that it is pretty common and more common in women actually
  • No matter how common it is, i dont think ill ever fess it up to someone in person.

    I took this test yo determine if i might have this, my results were depressing. I marked like 17 things on the list.
  • @starrxoxo9 I do the same to my scalp when im very stressed out. During my divorce, I picked at it so much a had a bald spot the size of a 50c piece on my head. I was so embarrassed waiting for all the hair to grow back.
  • @steph_due_101611 I just took the test too and I checked 16 things on the list. I have been trying to make a conscious effort not pick my arms and did well for 3 days but yesterday did not go as well I actually went to visit a friend who just got out of the hospital and Lily always makes her happy but on the way I guess I was picking my arms at stop lights and didn't realize it and by the time I got there my arms had big red marks all over and I had a tank top on and nothing to cover up with and she commented that my arms look like I had a really bad skin condition :-(
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