Seeing Stars o_O

edited July 2012 in Third Trimester
This is the first time it's happened. I stood up to see what going on outside, and then sat back down, and I started seeing stars..lots of them. I just ate so I thought it might be low blood sugar, but I'm not sure. =/


  • I see spots kinda like whta u r describing its high bp maybe. How many weeks r u towards the end sometimes ur bp might start to spike
  • The stars are usually from standing from a sitting position that causes your Bp to drop quickly. Common with pregnancy :)
  • Seeing spots with headaches, swelling of face and hands etc could indicate high Bp/preeclampsia. The spots would just happen and not in relation to going from sitting to standing.
  • @salasmommy I'll be 34 weeks Tuesday.

    @captivated thanks! Usually when I stand up too fast everything goes black, but this time I seen stars. =/ I'm not swollen at all so I guess it was just a drop in blood pressure then.
  • Its your potassium. I did that around that week in my pregnancy. You might wanna get checked.
  • It's common like said above...I had it too. Just slowly stand up. Mine usually happened when I had to pee like no tomorrow in the morning...I'd get up quick bc having to pee and BAM...I saw stars and felt like I was gonna pass out:( its hard to remember to stand up slowly but try to do it as much as possible.
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