UK car seat laws suck
Urggh can't believe just how crap the law is over here, basically there is no age limit as to how long babies have to stay rear facing it all goes on weight. I've currently got a group 0+ seat which will go up to max 13kg/29lbs. My son is about 9kg now & won't be able to stay in it much longer as his head is getting close to the top. Apparently when he's 9kg he can sit forward facing!!!! Am searching for other options but there aren't many & all seem to be far more expensive than forward facing & we simply can't afford them & yes I'm mad!!!!
Dunno if these are any good for ya @willothewisp, they're still pretty expensive but a lot less than 400.
Have just found a maxi cosi mobi online for £200 which is rear facing til 29kg (i think it was anyway) only stocked in 2 mothercare stores though so have to take a 120 mile round trip as not sold on their website to see if it'll fit & then order off this other site. Still can't believe how difficult they are to find over here. Britax, maxi cosi etc sell in other countries & say how much safer rear facing is but on UK websites its all about forward facing seats, I just don't understand why