So jacey will be a year old next week and hes takin a step her and there, I'm just wondering if anyone elses little ones are walking when did they first walk?
My daughter was almost 18 months. My two yr old son started around 14.months. They both would walk if you held three hand but as soon as I let go they'd fall down.
My daughter is 10mos and she is a crawling machine!!! She pulls herself up on stuff, and had just recently started doing a step or 2 holding onto something, but if you hold her hands, she doesnt quite know what to do with her feet. She takes a step or 2. I am hoping she will be walking by 1yr but, I know she will do it when she is ready.
Tessa will be one in two weeks and cruises pretty good but won't really try to walk assisted. She doesn't get it lol. She stands alone for a couple seconds here and there though. But she's one of those babies that seems to be on the verge of doing something FOREVER lol and then she'll just get it one day. If that makes sense lol.
My daughter was walking at 10 months. My son is 10 months and he will walk holding on to the bed or my hands but he still doesn't stand without holding something
Don't feel bad @Mamapalmer you're baby is on schedule.