anyone on here had or been a...

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
Surrogate? My cousin and his wife are amazing people, and want nothing but to have a baby. She however, is older, 32, and had a tube removed due to an etopic pregnancy. I've been considering becoming one for them, but...its not a decision to make without thought. Any thoughts or experiences appreciated.


  • edited July 2012
    I've always "wanted" to do it. Id do it in a quick fast and hurry for my sister. @natashalynn
  • @ynvtish so what's been holding you back? If I may ask. I'm trying to sort my feelings on it...
  • Well I'm 38 and my sister is 26 but she has endometriosis. (Sp). She's getting married in January and wants to wait 1-2 years to try on her own. If it doesn't work then shell want me to do it. BUT in 2 years I'm going to be 40 and having a baby will NOT be on my bucketlist.

    If she wanted one now I'll be all for it.

    Also, years ago I looked into being a surrogant but they were only paying like 20Gs in his ad.

    My uncle had asked me once but him and his wife dont even need a dog.

    I guess I would be too picky about what parents I'd do it for. I'd feel guilty knowing the couple was dysfunctional and as soon as I delivered ...this baby will be stuck with them.

    I know it wouldnt be my.egg but I would still feel responsible for the baby to have a excellent home.
  • I really don't think I could give up a baby I carried. I think that would be ppd from hell if you don't even have the babe. But for a family member it might be different. If my sister had her life together and couldn't have one I would consider it, but not for anyone else.
  • @ynvtish that all seems fair to me lol I wouldn't do it past a certain age either.

    @trixiesmom8 thanks!

    @char hmm hadn't thought about it from a ppd aspect. I had ppd..not something I'd look forward to for sure. Thanks for the insight!
  • I've been considering it. But I think I'd feel better doing it for family or a good friend. I'd want to see the baby from time to time. I actually like being pregnant and now that I am not working it would be great:)
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  • edited February 2013
  • I was going to do it and it pays amazing but I decided after this baby that I'm getting my tubes tied and focusing on school and a job and losing the 100 lbs I gained with all my pregnancies. I wouldn't want to lose the weight then get pregnant again and gain it back and have to use the money on Lipo lol.
  • in 2007 some friends of mine approached me and asked me to be an egg doner for them! they had been having ivf and after so many failed attempts and it costing a lot of money they asked if i could help! that was th hardest decision of my life deciding what to do, but in the end decided not to go through with it!
    now after having my son and being pregnant with my second baby i would defo not hesitate to help someone out if they needed it! unfotunatley its too late for them as she had cancer and had to have a hystorectomy!
    i think back then i kept thinkin about what if i gave them a child but couldnt go on to have my own children?!
    being a surogate how ever would be another story completley for me! im not sure i could feel that baby living and growing inside me and then give it away! but thats just me:-)
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  • Would you be using your own eggs, I know there is a way in Scotland that they can use the woman's egg and man's sperm and put it into someone else, that way it is their baby its just that you carry it. X
  • My mother was a surrogate. She had twins. They did NOT use my mother's eggs (seeing as how she was 40). She loved the experience.
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  • Wow good for you @homebirthadvocate that's amazing! I've considered it, but I'm not sure they'd accept a mother who's previous birth was a c-section (possible complications?). I'd also be a bit hesitant about not having much of a say in my care/treatment while gestating someone else's baby. There's a lot to it, but what an incredible gift to offer another couple...! :-)
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