Anything I can do to get baby's head to engage to my pelvis

edited July 2012 in Pregnant
This is my 3rd pregnancy I had two csection because my baby head won't move down to my Dr said she'll check me at 39Weeks to if babys head is engage to see if I can a vbac..any info would be great


  • Sitting on an exercise ball and rolling your hips in a figure 8. I started at 36 weeks because I wanted to go into labor naturally (whenever that would be) and by 37 weeks I was 90% effaced and she came on her own at 38 weeks. Walking helps too. Anything that will help gravity slowly move baby down.
  • Exercise ball, squats, walking
  • @kjackmom @sands3 thanxz ..this weekend I'll get the exercise ball I'll try the squats
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