I don't know what else to do, help!

edited July 2012 in Sleep
My daughter is going through a stage where she wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back asleep for hours. Every night I give her a bath, read a book, give her a bottle & she easily enough goes to bed in her crib.

I have a fan that makes white noise, that when we first put that in her room helped her to sleep through the night. Right around the time she started standing in her crib she began waking up once or twice every night, but I would just rub her back and she could usually fall back asleep.

Now when she wakes up nothing works to get her back down. She just stays up tossing and turning (or crying) for a few hours. I change her and give her a bottle but it seems like she is just too awake. I don't know what to do.

I have also tried oragel on her gums cuz she's teething.oh yah she 10 months old. Anyone else experience this or have suggestions. I going to work on 4 hours sleep, they were not continuous hours either, so I'm really tired. Plus this happens at least 4 days a week.


  • They say when a baby achieves a new milestone they wake up in the night to "practice". Hopefully it will pass soon and she'll start sleeping better again
  • @sands3 I hope so it's been getting worse.
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