She doesn't sleep through the night..
My lo is 9.5months old and she still doesn't sleep through the night. I mean she did for a couple months like from 2months to 7months. But the past couple months she doesnt. Idk what to do. I feel like she's a newborn still. I get no sleep.
What kind of strict schedule would you have for a 12 month old? Help!
8am wake up
9am eat
Blah blah blah..
Right now I'm doing everything on demand and she's 12 months now.
She's not sleeping through the night.
Wakes up about 2-3 times wanting to nurse.
She doesn't wake up until 10:30 am in the AM
I'm tired...
By that age I usually do this:
(one more at 6 if needed)
Bath/bed routine after the 7pm feeding then bed around 8ish
Since she's older it might take a while, but I'm not sure. & eating includes solids/breast all in one feeding. (in other words dont give solids then breast an hour later, it has to all be on the schedule)
In between the eating & naps is play time of some sort or alone time. I always have my little ones play alone for at least a little bit each day so they can learn to be content & not have to be entertained all the time. It can be playing with blocks in a playpen or playing with a special toy in the crib, etc. I hope I'm not sounding like a know it all lol, this is just what works for me.
@littlenat86 - I would say roughly the same. Just work the times to suit your family & always remember sleep/eat/play.
When baby wakes up & eats they are well rested & full, in other words HAPPY! Lol
Then they play until they get tired & are ready for a nap.
My motto around here is "fussy babies take naps" lol I say it with a cheerful smile then put them to bed. Lol