She doesn't sleep through the night..

edited July 2012 in Sleep
My lo is 9.5months old and she still doesn't sleep through the night. I mean she did for a couple months like from 2months to 7months. But the past couple months she doesnt. Idk what to do. I feel like she's a newborn still. I get no sleep.


  • :( shes probably teething...? Is she eating enough b4 bed? Does she nap a lot during the day? Maybe u could cut down on naps? I hope u get some sleep soon.
  • @mommyof3girls she takes 2 naps and only drinks between 3-5oz at a time.sometimes only 2. But she gets plenty of formula. She dont eat much food and i think thats why. She boycotted baby food and juice and too much table food constipates her.
  • How often is she drinking her bottles? 2oz isnt very much for a 9mth old. Maybe u could try waiting longer between bottles so she drinks more? Unless u have tried that. Idk. But i do know what its like to b missing sleep and it sucks. Just remember... This too shall pass.
  • When my lo quit sleeping thru the night I cut down on his naps. He used to get 2 a day one at 11 then the other around 3. Now he gets one nap a day at 1.
  • I would feed her at 7am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm on the dot. If you don't think she can go 4 hours, then do 3 or 3 & a half hours & add one more feeding at the end. If you do this for 3 days you'll notice a difference & if you do it for several weeks she'll sleep through the night. One other thing that is absolutely critical though, is the sleep/eat/wake cycle. It must be done in that order. Never feed just before sleeping, but always after sleeping with some wake/play time before nap or bed. I have 9 children & they have all slept through the night by 6-8 weeks old using this method. Many ppl are against it with the feed on demand era, but for me it makes a happy baby, happy family & VERY happy mama. Plus with a large family I HAVE to have a schedule lol. I always know when it's time for baby to eat & can work around it with appts, chores, mealtime, etc. Now, with all this said, if baby is going through a growth spurt, is sick or emotionally distressed, yes I will forgo the schedule. I'm not going to let my baby starve or scream in hunger lol. But on the other hand, many times I'll be feeding the baby BEFORE she gets out of control I said this method makes a happy baby. Sorry so long, but I'm very passionate about this subject because so many moms & babies could benefit, but it's controversial.
  • I know its not recommended but i started laying my daughter on her stomach and she has been sleeping through the nite since
  • I do what @wilsomom does except my monster needs to eat every 3 hours so I do 7am 10am 1pm 4pm 7pm the two 7oclock bottles are 6 oz and the other she usually will only take 4oz and I feed her solids breakfast 9am lunch 12pm and dinner 6pm and she is in bed at 8pm and sleeps until 7am. I'm trying to get her to go the 4 hours since she is eating more solids but since she is happy and sleeping I'm okay with it...the only difference is with naps I let her sleep when she wants to sleep because she doesn't do well with being put down for naps but the bedtime routine is always the same at the same time and when I put her in the crib she rolls over and goes right to sleep. Oh and she is 8.5 months and had her moments of not sleeping through the might but for the most part she has been sleeping through since 7 or 8 weeks old.
  • We had our routine but then she quit the food. Now she wants to eat every 3hrs. But she cant handle more than 4-5oz max at a time or she'll spit up or just not drink it. But that being said she gets up at 12midnight exactly then 315-345. Then 630-7 and us up for the day.
  • Has she learned any new skills? I know when Lily learned to sit up and then crawl she would wake up because it was like she was practicing in her sleep and didn't know how to lay back down if that makes sense?
  • And it was around 7 months when she started to wake up again like yours but she she started sleeping again really well after a month
  • @liliansmom she didnt sit or roll over til after she was 8months. No crawling yet. She actually has physical therapy starting tomorrow.
  • Idk maybe it was her practicing to sit and roll over?! I hope she starts sleeping for you though! And good luck to you and her tomorrow!!
  • @liliansmom i dont think so since its been going on for months.
  • Wow my son has the same exact schedule and he also started waking up around those times....weird...but idk wat to do either so I'm there with you. He's breastfed tho
  • O and he's also 9.5 months. 10.10.11
  • @Wilsomom wow... I love your post.

    What kind of strict schedule would you have for a 12 month old? Help!
  • edited July 2012
    @ynvtish lol - I would aim for the 4 hour schedule & be sure to do the sleep/eat/wake cycle. If 4 hours is too long, try 3 or 3.5 & gradually extend it as he/she takes more food until it's 4 hours. It's worth a shot! Lol
  • @wilsomom .. could you give me a specific schedule.. I can really need the help. Example

    8am wake up
    9am eat
    Blah blah blah..

    Right now I'm doing everything on demand and she's 12 months now.

    She's not sleeping through the night.
    Wakes up about 2-3 times wanting to nurse.
    She doesn't wake up until 10:30 am in the AM

    I'm tired...
  • @ynvtish I don't want to tell you what to do, ha ha.
    By that age I usually do this:


    (one more at 6 if needed)

    Bath/bed routine after the 7pm feeding then bed around 8ish

    Since she's older it might take a while, but I'm not sure. & eating includes solids/breast all in one feeding. (in other words dont give solids then breast an hour later, it has to all be on the schedule)
    In between the eating & naps is play time of some sort or alone time. I always have my little ones play alone for at least a little bit each day so they can learn to be content & not have to be entertained all the time. It can be playing with blocks in a playpen or playing with a special toy in the crib, etc. I hope I'm not sounding like a know it all lol, this is just what works for me. :)
  • @YNVTish Malia is the sameish. She goes down between 9-11p depending on what we did that day. But usually 9:30-10p. She wakes at 1:30a to nurse, sometime around 6a, then again at 9-9:30a. She wakes up at 10:30 like clockwork, lol.
  • @steph_due_101611 Sorry, don't mean to take over ur thread. :/
  • @ynvtish , idk if she uses a sippy, but you can also offer only water in the middle of the night...after a few days she won't think it's worth getting up for lol.
  • Yeah @steph_due101611 ... I'm sorry @mama_kat says I high jack threads. It's that history of ADHD. But really you brought up a good subject
  • @littlenat86 - you'll have to go back & read the previous comments lol
  • @wilsomom I'm going to have to try your schedule! My son will not sleep unless we go to bed too, but we cosleep..and he's starting to sleep in his crib more often. Gotta get him out of our bed within the next 5 weeks before the other baby comes!
  • That's great, is there much change to a routine for an almost 9 month old? @Wilsomom
  • @ericak22 - I hope it works! Congrats on the little one coming. :)
    @littlenat86 - I would say roughly the same. Just work the times to suit your family & always remember sleep/eat/play.

    When baby wakes up & eats they are well rested & full, in other words HAPPY! Lol
    Then they play until they get tired & are ready for a nap.
    My motto around here is "fussy babies take naps" lol I say it with a cheerful smile then put them to bed. Lol
  • That's great, the times above will fit in well with our routine and even when our 3 year old goes back to nursery in Sept. And you do food and milk at these times together right? Because at the moment he has a bottle and food at separate times! But the times you have stated are usually his bottle times at the moment so if I start feeding him solids then too he will be right on track! My older son just made his own routine so well but Riley has been a bigger eater and has been feeding almost on demand for the whole 9 months so far! I didn't mind doing that breastfeeding but now he is older I think he needs a routine! Thank-you so much @Wilsomom x
  • @littlenat86 - yes, I do the solid & milk together so they're eating 4 meals, not 6 or 7. I hope it helps! :)
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