Belly piercing stretching...

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I know this is weird but I had my belly button pierced unprofessionally and it was a thinner chunk of skin than the professionals pierce. I gained weight a few years back and it stretched and got thinner so I had to take out my ring. During my 1st pregnancy it streched more and now its stretching again, made an appt for tomorrow to possibly get it cut. Anyone else have or had this problem? I'm 32 weeks and afraid its going to rip in the next 8 weeks cause its getting painful...


  • Yikes. I had mine done b4 i had my first and i got a horrible, horrible stretch mark going up from where it was. I'd just ask the dr about it. Stretch marks suck. Good luck to u. I hope u get some relief soon.
  • @mommyof3girls I got the strech mark above it too, I'm just afraid of what it will look like if I can get it cut off, but I guess it beats having it tear and get infected...
  • I hav my belly button pierced n its jus a black hole
  • I had my belly button pierced professionally when I was 17, and I was in cheer too. Technically I wasnt supposed to have it in while cheering, but it was starting to come closer and closer to the surface, and getting irritated, so I left it in. And while I was going up in my stunt, I felt it rip, my cheer skirt had caught onto the ball. But I couldnt say anything because my coach would have had a fit. After the cradle, I turned around and looked behind my stunt group... and there it was, both zebra balls attached. ): Now I have the most hideous scar. And it looks like I have two belly buttons!
  • I was in the same situation and mine ripped when I was 38 weeks. Horrible pain, scar, pus, and it got all nasty and crusty. My dr disinfected it and put liquid stitch. It looks disgusting now. :(
  • Omg, you girls are freaking me out, well hopefully getting it cut it won't look too bad...eep now I'm scared lol
  • Oh man :( Now I'm afraid mine will get yucky too!
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