how do i control the hair pulling my lo

edited July 2012 in Ages & Stages
Is doing to me and others. He is almost 9 months old. Its driving me crazy. My sister got him started pulling hair around 3months


  • Idk my lo pulls my hair too but I just keep it up most the time so she can't
  • Idk my boy is ten months and does it, I can't stand it, it hurts so bad. I tell him no very firmly and grab his hands and if he wont stop I usually get up from playing with him and tell him it hurts mommy.
  • edited July 2012
    nothing works lol. my daughter pulls it and trys to eat it and i have really long hair that touches my lower back tattoo lol i feel you on the hurting part,. but i have yet to figure out how to stop her. I always take it out of her hands and tell her no no no it hurts mommy. but she just smiles and laughs like she knows shes doing something bad lol.
  • @mommylovessparkle my son does the same!
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