I'm such a tit!

edited July 2012 in Getting pregnant
So most of ya know my history... The trying and the losses. So today I'm 8dpo and the last 3 days I've been crying over nothing. Literally I just heard the word adoption on tv and burst into tears. When do we give up and go look into adoption? Am I to young to consider giving up? I'm 27 BTW.

Oops, I'm rambling... The point of this post is I'm crying at everything! Ah! Make it stop!


  • Haha I would also like to add that I'm intentionally subjecting myself to crying fits by watching Animal Cops. *sigh* this does NOT help...
  • Your not a tit lol. I can't really say I know what your going through but when I was trying for my second it took 6 months and that was hard. Please keep your chin up. Your still so young, I'm 38 and am pregnant so your never to old. Good luck hunny and I will be praying for good news soon xxxx
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