3 Cheers for @Wilsomom



  • @Wilsomom thanks. @perly no I haven't. What does she do?
  • @sands well first she starts by establishing a bed time routine (shower, bed time story, and then bed time).
    When she puts the child to bed she tells them "its time for bed" and she lays the child down and sits next to the bed with her head down. If the child talks to you or cries or whatever you ignore him. If the child gets out of bed, you put him right back in bed and tell him "its time for bed" (only say that the first time you put him back in bed, after that don't talk to him again) and then sit back down next to the bed. Continue this until the child falls asleep. The first few times it will be hard and it will take time, so you might want to start this early so you're not up late at night. After the third day or so, sit a little bit further from the bed and continue to day by day sit further and further away until one day you're completely out of the room. I think it takes her over a week but less than two weeks to do this and up to what i've seen, its hard it takes time but it works. She does this with kids the age of your son and up.
  • @perly. Thanks, I'll try it but usually if I don't lay with him, he cries and hits his pillow until I lay down
  • @sands3 i've seen some kids do that on the show too but supernanny always tells the parent to still ignore it. She says that they do that to get your attention and to get what they want but by sitting there with your head down, ignoring that behavior you're teaching them that it is not acceptable to behave like that.
  • @sands3 like i said, its hard. I can tell, and im sure that if i were in their shoes (your shoes too) it would be hard for me too but it works every single time. It's just a matter of being consistent.
  • @perly I'll def give it a shot. I can't start anything til Monday as me and my husband are going out if town right now for a ball.
  • @sands3 good luck, i hope it works. Let me know how it goes :)
  • Does this work for breasted babies too? Jw if it's only for bottle/formula babies
  • How long does he cry for? ...once in a while my 2yr old will cry a bit and pat his pillow for me to lay down but as soon as I close the door and walk downstairs to get the monitor he's done crying.
  • @adri805 Yes! My good friend that showed me this method breastfed all 6 of her children.
  • @wilsomom wow that's awesome!!! I'm going to be trying this as well!
  • @ExcitedForOctober he'll cry for a long time. If I walk out of the room he gets up screaming.
  • @adri805 I hope it helps!
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