Ugh Pushy people in life..

My daughter isn;t even born yet and i have people telling me what i should do with her.. Like the last name thing why is it so hard to get that NO she will not have her fathers last name and No i not Formula feeding because i want that closeness of breastfeeding and if BF does not work out for whatever reason then i will go to formula but i am not gonna throw in the towel before i even try because it's " to hard"
And trying to invite themselves in to the delivery... Hell no it's all about my daughter that day and i only wanna share it with close family. Not people who feel like the deserve to be there! Or try to invite themselves to my house when i come home!
I feel like i am going mad! x..x

another thing that people need to stop is "diapers are expensive are you sure you can afford all of them?" No duh diapers are expensive but I have found it more cost effective per diaper to by in bulk than the little packets that have 20-24 in them at a time. And people are trying to push me in to what time of schooling i should give her...
SHE IS NOT EVEN BORN YET -...- I went to public school and i turned out just fine.
Region is a big thing getting pushed on me right know as well. Just because i don't go to church doesn't mean you should condemn me or tell me my baby will burn. I seriously am about to start sparta kicking people. You can teach kids about religion outside of church. I don't go to church because last time i did i was judged for being unwed and expecting.

I guess Welcome to parenthood. I have a feeling that this will not stop. People should be more worried about their own kids raising then telling me how i should raise mine -.-

If i want advice i will ask for it but until then people need to just stop. I am a new mom not a complete idiot. And I know new moms make mistakes and all that but I want to do it on my own and experince it all the good bad and the awesome.
If i mess up I know she will still love me and i got my mom to help me out.

Sorry for such a long vent but i had this all clawing at my brain and i needed to express it !



  • Ugh I hate people like that!! I always got crap for cosleeping. "Ooh she's gonna be so spoiled" "She's gonna be in your bed til she's 10". Oh yea? F* you she's one now and sleeps in her crib just fine!!! Lol
  • Yes it never ends, don't let then get to you, I eventually did and ended up with way too many people in my labor room, and gave up to quickly on breast feeding (two months) all because people kept pushing me. But at least for baby number two I will have learned that lesson!!!
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  • Yep, welcome to the club. Gotta stay strong and stand ur ground. It will never end until they see that ur not taking anyones bullsh*t. Hang in there tho. It will still b magical. :)
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  • Thank you all :-) it would be funny to see a very pregnant woman kicking people lol
  • Very early on I made my wishes known. I have been questioned a couple times and made my preferences perfectly clear. When they questioned, I threw facts in their face with confidence. Do your homework and watch in delight as they back down, lol.

    Good for you for standing your ground! Good luck.
  • It never mom is like that. I let it go in one ear and out the other. Some things she makes sense but other stuff drives me nuts! And other people too, that I don't even know. Commenting on how small my boys are...if they were overweight I'd hear it too...can't win:(
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