Davey's Birth Story



  • Awww pitocin is awful :( I had it too, but no epi. I'm sorry it was a bit traumatic, but like everyone else said- your beautiful boy is here :)
  • I'm sorry you were treated and still being treated in such a way. Its horrible what they did.

    You have a beautiful son, and I'm so glad that he is healthy and with you now.
  • Congrats he's a gorgeous baby boy.
  • @momofsoontobe7 - that's great info for everyone know. I love how you said I hired you so you have to listen to me...lol. I bet they don't hear that too often.

    @fate , I feel so bad for you! What a horrible experience! :(
  • Oh honey, I'm so mad for you. I went in with my water breaking, and I was walking all over the place to help my labor progress. I don't understand why they wouldn't have allowed you to just do what you wanted to do! One of my nurses tried to push the epi on me, after me getting pissed off (i wanted to throw something at her) the other nurse, Sandy, who use to be a doula, basically told her to shut up because I told everyone I didn't want anything. I really wished you had more support with the staff. When a woman is in labor, you're suppose to help her with pain management...if she says she wants to shower to help with the pain, then I suggest you let the laboring woman shower! This is why I want to be a midwife...so I can help tell the staff to shut the hell up and give her what she wants! I'm sorry you had to go through a not so great experience to have your beautiful son...and omgosh is he just precious!!! I'm glad you two are doing great, and little man is healthy! :-) I think he looks just like his Mommy! <3
  • @wilsomom I told my doctor that as well. He was trying to tell me bc I had group b positive I had to be at the hospital right away, I had to do this or that and I straight looked at him and said listen I understand your concern but you know what it's like this..... If I hire an attorney and I don't like what kind of service I'm getting I'll fire him and go some where else, so there for its just like you if you don't do what I want I will go else where. I'm not loosing anything you are!!! Once I set the doctors and nurses straight things were amazing! I had a wonderful delivery. As I said before I wished I were as educated with my son this time around as I were before!!! I thought I knew it all having 4 kids before my son but I was wrong. Us women have rights lol!!!! @fate I can believe them!!! That is so wrong!!! If your labor and everything was going just fine they shouldn't have done anything to you. Seeing how I was a vbac I couldn't have anything like pitocen due to me having a previous csection. But they did give it to me after I had my son so they could stop the contractions and delivery the after birth. I still would say something to the hospital!!! I know the hospital I went to sends out surveys for you to fill out and it give you places to write things down.... Ladies just know you have rights to say no to things you don't want to have done!!!!
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