question..weaning at 7 months?? PLEASE HELP

edited July 2012 in Ages & Stages
My son is 7 and a half months and recently doesnt want to bf anymore, he will for like 3-5 minutes but thats it he used to fall asleep bfing now i give him a bottle after he bfs and he usually falls asleep. I dont want to stop bfing. Any thoughts?


  • At 7 monnths they have become much better at nursing and the time they nurse shortens. My guy nurses on one side about 6 ish minutes.
    Also at about 7 months my lo did get distracted easily but I just offered to nurse him more often and he was fine.
    Remember the more you suppliment the less you will make.

    @Bahamamama2868 will have a lot more to offer as would others.
  • Thanks @LittleFae. I know it will lessen my supply I just know hes still hungry. He's also teething and tries to bite while bfing but I won't let him but with the bottle he can so I don't know if that could be part too?
  • Teething can make breastfeeding a little irritating on the gums for some babies, and this age is SOOO distractable! It helps if you can nurse alone in a quiet dark room where he can concentrate better. Most of them turn around and come back to nursing after a couple months. Can you pump a little to keep supply maybe? My son is almost 9 months and nurses best first thing in the AM and last thing at night. We do short sessions throughout the day with a sippy cup to make sure he's hydrated in this heat! Don't give up if you're not ready! :-)
  • @ourlittlenugget thanks! Thats what i was just saying i think im going to start pump a little so my supply stays up cause i can already tell its going down. I hope it works
  • Last night he was almost asleep from bfing then started this biting thing where he bites and babbles, he seemed still hungry so i gave him a bottle in between every couple sips he would bite the bottle nipple and eventually fell asleep. Idk if he just wants to bite or what!
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