how long did it take you to conceive

Howe long did it take you to conceive the first time? What did you use .. Opks? Preseed?


  • A year and we didn't use anything we started watching porn I know it sounds funny but it makes the sperm more aggressive
  • My first daughter was kind of an oops baby, my second I got preg the first month, and the 3rd took 3 months, didnt do anything super special, I did lay with my butt proped with a pillow for about 30 mins after, we didnt use any kind of lubrication or gels, we had sex 2 days before ovulation and everyday after..i just tried not to stress about it and let it happen
  • Really.. I didnt know that!
  • Oh yea and we did watch porn during ovulation lol, maybe thats what did it
  • @armywife5 I think part of my problem is im not to sure when I ovulate. I'm going to use opks for a couple months to see when I ovulate.
  • I was off the pill for one cycle and got pregnant lol. After being on it for ten years with many missed pills I thought it would take a lot longer!
  • Got pregnant on accident the first time while on birth control pills, and the second time took 6 months of trying to get pregnant, didnt do anything special though for it.
  • edited July 2012
    A year and a half the first time, lost that one. Then 7 months after for the next pregnancy. I'm not one of the lucky ones... Lol. Used OPKS, fertility meds, all of it
  • I wish I could get pregnant that fast!
  • @redshadoe0 me either! I hate getting upset every month!
  • Don't give up! Have you gotten checked out by a doc yet?
  • It took 5.5 years for our first. The couple months before I got pregnant I was tracking my period on the my days app and we had sex every other day on the 10th-20th days of my cycle. The my days app really helped me with tracking periods, ovulation and when we had sex.
    I also took a prenatal vitamin every day and propped myself with a pillow for about 20-30 minute's after sex.
    I read in an infertility book that morning sex is best because women tend to ovulate over night. The author said it's no coincidence that men are ready to go for it in the morning. :)
    That's why every other day sex is best too so that there is continuous sperm in there to meet the egg whenever you DO ovulate.
  • It took 5.5 years for our first. The couple months before I got pregnant I was tracking my period on the my days app and we had sex every other day on the 10th-20th days of my cycle. The my days app really helped me with tracking periods, ovulation and when we had sex.
    I also took a prenatal vitamin every day and propped myself with a pillow for about 20-30 minute's after sex.
    I read in an infertility book that morning sex is best because women tend to ovulate over night. The author said it's no coincidence that men are ready to go for it in the morning. :)
    That's why every other day sex is best too so that there is continuous sperm in there to meet the egg whenever you DO ovulate.
  • Well. We were only together 4 months, but its like we knew each other forever. All natural for us. We were half trying.
  • No I have not been checked out. I'm only 22 we just bought a house a year ago we are just trying to see where it goes. One month we are all for it the next month we talk and are like well if it happens it does if it doesnt we are still young. I really need to find out when I ovulate I think that is a big problem! We have sex and its fun but its probably not as often as it should be I feel ljke we are always running around. Maybe this winter when we are all cooped up lol .. My mom tried for a long time and my sister is pregnant now and took her 7 months ..does it very person to person or does it run in the family? I have hope but I have seen so many negative pregnancy test I don't think ill ever see a positive.
  • Thank you so much for talking girls and sharing your stories!

  • We got pregnant second month (Leo), first month (angel baby) and second month (Riley). I was on prenatal vitamins for 3 months before we started trying to conceive and we had lots of fun! I also propped up my hips and put my legs up in the air sometimes.....seemed to work for me! There is a lot to having fun with it (sometimes easier said than done!) We think our youngest was conceived on a cruise ship in our cabin bathroom.... smallest space and I was bent over the toilet!
  • We decided after we got married, we were really going to start trying because from what the dr said, it was going to be very hard for me to get preg. I am overweight, diabetic, have pcos and I was a smoker then. I was put on metformin a year before that, when I found out I was diabetic, but our helped regulate my periods too. 4,mos to the day after we got married was apparently when I conceived my daughter. 7 weeks later was when I actually found our I was. But after being together 5yrs and not using any protection, we finally have our first one and she is now 10.5mos! We are hoping to start on #2 when he gets home next month. Hopefully it won't take a long time :)
  • I stopped taking my BC the middle of December 2010. We got married 1/1/11.. We conceived on 1/30/11. So 30 days.
  • A week Haha she was a surprise. My hubby came home from a 8months deployment she we went to Hawaii for a week. I found out almost exactly a month after he got home from deployment.
  • Oh yeah, Im on Metformin too... Used femara, Metformin, and ovidrel. It worked this time.
  • Took us about 3 months... Remember to have fun with it. If you make it enjoyable you won't have that stress factor that creates miscarriages
  • Im on the 2ww. Idk what is wrong with me ive been crampy and a week ago I had very little spotting but ive been told it was to.early to have implantation.. But my back is.killlinggg me. I can't stand hurts all day :( ..
  • I've never planned a pregnancy. My first, we had been dating for a year and 1/2, but only became sexually active for a year(it took me a while to sleep with him lol), but we were using protection. Then he told me that he couldn't have kids, because he had no sperm count...a few months later I was pregnant. Turns out, he wasn't no sperm count, but low sperm count. I got pregnant with my second a year after I had my first. I was on bc at the time. My third I was on the pill and using spermicidal condoms(because I had a mc in late Jan and wanted another child but wanted to wait a while), and got pregnant in mid March. My fourth just happened after a few months of regular sex lol...and my fifth happened after four months after we stopped protection(like that makes a difference with me though...obviously), but I got pregnant twice before that, and the first mc was while we were using protection and pull out at the same time, and the second mc was three months after. Obviously any kind of bc doesn't work for me so we just gave up with using them LOL...if my husband even looks at me wrong I'm scared to get pregnant. Sheesh!! :-p
  • Gesh lol pass your luck on to me
  • With my first we hadn't been using anything for a couple of months the got married the day after we said we would start trying and the next day I don't know why but felt I should test and I was pregnant. The second took us a month and same with the third we are very lucky it doesn't take long.
  • My first took 8 months but didn't do anything special. Second was a surprise while on the pill (ended in mc) and 3rd was unprotected but kinda a woops after the mc
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