I am a maid

Apparently ...

I went to the park, then store and asked dipface to wash the dishes .. were they done? Flup no. Like come on, I do everyfucknthing! So what if you work all day at the easiest job in the world!


  • That's my bf to a T!!! I ask him to take the trash out..he tells me he'll do it later, then rolls over and goes to sleep. It seriously pisses me off. All he does is sit at a desk all day, doing IT work while I do housework all day long, and take care of our 13 month old, all while 35 weeks pregnant!!
  • My hubby does that sometimes and what i do is refuse to do anything for a wk or so drives me a little crazy but then hell start washing clothes and dishes ;) and he better think twice about calling me lazy because i will get crazy on him
  • I try to split chores at hand with him. Like after lunch or dinner, one of us cleans up, the other washes Malia. He'll usually wash her cause its easier. But right now he's doing dishes ;) lol. @arysmommy1116 @ericak22
  • Ugh same here. My bd is so lazy X(
  • Same here but I work full time too on my feet running around like a crazy lady 40 hrs a week and he sits at a desk and moves his mouse around clicking on things...he never does anything around the house and them complains he has no clean clothes and our house is a mess...well maybe if I had any help it wouldn't be like this...ugh
  • Same here men just dnt know how much Wrk we do n are homes we should go on strike lol
  • Men have NO clue of what all goes on to keep a house and kids in order. NO CLUE whatsoever! They just dont. Maybe there is a rare one or two of them out there but the remaining 99.99999999% have no clue.
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