rambling, pointless vent

Can I just take a moment to say I hate my life? Like forreal. I am in a marriage with no feelings/love. 98% of the things my husband does pisses me off. We have no physical relationship, other than him trying to screw me while I sleep. I live in a town with NOTHING to do thats 2 hours away from my family. I have no friends, no one to talk to. My husband works nights so I'm alone all day long with our almost 10 months then alone at night. I sit in our house and play online poker and refresh pregly every 30 minutes. I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child. I'm physically miserable. My ribs and pelvic bone feel like they could shatter at any moment all the time. I get no help from my husband. He does nothing for our kids but provide for them financially. He doesn't care that I'm miserably hurting, I still have to do everything myself. He cannot keep his head out of his phone and text messages. He isn't the only reason why I hate life, just part. I was a 5 sport athlete in high school, I was always busy doing something. I completed 3 years of college before getting married. Now I'm 22, mother of 2, not finished school, sitting at home alone all day long. I look back and see all the wrong choices I made to get to this point in my life. I don't regret my daughter, just everything else. If I don't get PPD after my son is born it'll be a miracle.


  • Awww hunny I'm so sorry ifu wanna txt meu can love
  • Where do you live?
  • Right outside Jackson, Tennessee. @kjackmom
  • @1stWoodsBaby. Awww...I just want to jump through my phone and give you a big hug!
  • @bexiewexie I agree. But its to the point I don't expect anything from him, so I don't get mad anymore.
    @kyliemommie thank you.
  • Maybe a trip up to see your family would cheer you up a little? What about finding a mommy group so you can socialize with other adults? It's so hard being stuck inside alone doing the same thing day in and out. I'd go crazy. Get out and do something. :( hugs.
  • U need a break......
  • R u able to finish school online? Or evenings? I can understand a lot of ur feelings. Ur only 22. If u r that unhappy in ur marriage then u need to leave it. A lifetime is a long time to be unhappy. I usually hate when people tell someone to leave their marriage but sometimes there is no fixing it. Theres no way u should feel like this. Do u want to stay with ur husband for other reasons besides ur kids? If ur only w him because of ur kids, i can tell ya that it wont get any better. As kids get older the stess a bit more at times and if ur not in a good marriage its gonna feel unbearable. If that makes sence? I dont really know what to tell u but i remember some of ur posts and after reading this one my heart just breaks for u. I hope everything works out for u. Ur husband sounds like he needs a reality check.
  • I'm so sorry girl! I hope things turn around for you
  • Talk to your Dr there's such thing a pregnancy depression.i'm frustrated with my life too. My boyfriend is the laziest person I know. I'm sick of supporting our family.
  • @rtmommy I see my family every Sunday. My husband pastors a church in the town I'm from and my family goes to that church.. So I still get to see them for a few hours a week. I've googled and searched everywhere for a play group, mommy and me classes, everything with no luck. I really thought Jackson would have some type of activities since its one of the biggest towns in the state, but it doesn't. I've thought about starting a group, but don't know how about that.

    @mommyof3girls Yes I could definitely finish and I know I could find the time considering I don't do anything. I completed 2 years online so I know I could do the online classes. If all transitions go well after having my son in September then I'm hoping to start in January. No I don't want to stay in the marriage for anything other than the kids. I know that's no reason to stay, but I'd rather them have their dad around all the time than me being happy. I just want them happy. Thanks for responding, I try to keep all the sappy posts off of here, but I just had reached my limit yesterday.

    @sands3 thank you! Have things turned around for you at all? How's the job search going?

    @mom2ing oh im sorry you are dealing with this too. I'd never wish this life style on anyone. I also checked out a long time ago. If I told people some of the things that went on behind the scenes in my marriage no one would ever believe it. (no abuse or anything like that) at least it seems your husband is on the same page since he's on the couch, my husband doesn't even realize I'm not happy. He still acts like we are so happy and great. He still tries to cuddle and grab my ass and rub me even though he knows and I've asked him not to. He won't deal with the issues, just acts like everything is so perfect. When I say things like Im not happy he just says, it's your hormones. Ugh. Men.
  • Things are civil. I have an interview today at 3 pm
  • Thank you so much! I'm nervous. I kinda go blank when put on the spot :(
  • Why don't you do online college and wrap up your degree
  • I know you want your kids happy but there's gonna come a breaking point for you when you just snap. I think it'd be better to leave now while they're still babies and don't know any better. It's way worse to build up this fake happy life for them, because one way or another it's gonna all come crashing down.
  • @ynvtish I have planned to numerous times but then I think of something my daughter needs (or something beneficial she could use) and I'd rather spend that money on her. I was going to start this fall, but I found out I was pregnant and decided to save that tuition money to use on my soon to be here son. I could do it, I just put myself last and would rather use the money to do something for my kids.

    @starrxoxo9 I completely agree and I know that'd be the best thing to do, but I always convince myself to stay.
  • Well you'll know when it's time. Hopefully for your sanity it's sooner rather than later!! You deserve to be happy.
  • I agree with @starrxoxo9, if you really feel like its done, then better to go while the babies are still babies. Also, I understand that you want the children to have their dad All the time but he's not really 'around' anyway as he sleeps all day and works all night, so how much of a loss would it really be?
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