why is getting induced so bad?

edited August 2012 in Pregnant
Just was wondering.


  • Pitocin stinks! Makes the contractions much much harder! I really want to do the next one without it! You'll do great no matter what though!
  • I had a very successful, wondering induction. Broke my water at 7. Epidural and pitocin at 8:15. I slept until time to push at 5. Baby was here at 5:09. so dont worry too much, they can be great.
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  • I had 2 great inductions!
  • I loved my experience, but that don't always go smoothly. My body took over fairly quickly. I was induced because of hypertension .
  • pitocin sucks
  • I had a horrible experience. I was induced 4 days after my due date, was in labor for 30hrs, then ended up having an emergency c-section. I had HORRIBLE back contractions, high fever, & my blood pressure dropped VERY low. His head want settling into my pelvis :/ but i wish i would've just gone straight to the c-section.lol. It was such a relief, & my recovery was quick & easy :D
  • Oh & when i went in, i was only 1/2 cm. & stopped dilating at 7cm. She had to break my water for me
  • My friend just tried to get induced 2 or 3 days after her dd and two days later baby still isn't here so they sent her home and if she doesn't have him in a week they will be trying again next Monday. She wasn't progressing at ALL!
  • Mine was good. Yes, pitocin is not fun and I had pure back labor but was worth it and I was able to have her vaginally. I'm 39.5 weeks with my son and if he doesn't come by 41 weeks, I'll prob be induced again and I'm not afraid. :-)
  • Pitocin stinks. The contractions are 100x's more intense than if your body were doing it by itself.
  • I loved my induction! I told my husband if some could promise ne all my labors would be that way I'd have as many kids as he wants!
  • Well my water broke at 34 weeks. I was 2 cm dilated since 32 weeks. The day that my water broke they were hoping that my body would go into labor on its own, it didn't. They gave me pitocin and the contractions didn't hurt at all. The nurse kept asking if I needed pain medicine and they were shocked that I didn't need it. She even asked me if I felt the contractions. I did feel them but they just felt like stronger braxton hicks. I ended up having a csection and after they gave me the epidural, it didn't even take. I could still feel my feet and all. I'm guessing my body is just weird. I'm just saying that being induced did nothing for me at all.
  • I was induced and I was in labour for 17.5 hours. Seriously. Lol. That sucked the big one. Her heart rate dropped huge (155-65) and she passed her first bowel movement inside. But! At the end of the day, she was perfect, happy and healthy, so that's what really counts. Also, I only have one child, so I can't give you a comparison. Also, ever woman, baby and pregnancy is different. Do your research.and decide what will make you most comfortable!
    I will say though, personally, if I could have her again, knowing what I know now, I wouldnt of been induced.
  • I was induced on a tuesday and had an er csection on friday.
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