abnormal red blood cells in a 9mth old?? UPDATE

Does anyone know much about this?? My sons blood tests have come back showing he has this but doctor wants more bloods done in 8 weeks time.

I can't keep dealing with all this crap on top of everything else.


  • @dadof2n1togo ... When they took your LOs blood did they prick the finger and squeeze it?

    If so... When they squeeze the finger it actually damages the red blood cells. This can throw off a lot of tests. For example when you do this method of drawing blood damaging the blood cells by squeezing the finger can make your LO appear extremely anemic (with low iron)

    It will also throw of tons of other tests.

    Ask the doctor to redo the test at the lab and have them draw the blood from the vein. This gives an accurate reading.

    The bad thing is... Your LO maybe still to small to find a good vein.

    Haylee got pokes 8 times last week and they still couldn't find a baby vein and she just turned 1 years old.
  • @YVNTish was done by vein in elbow.
  • Welp @dadof2n1togo ... There goes my know it all opinion... Right out the door! LOL

  • Are you talking about hemolytic, sickle cell or polycythemia?
  • Don't know as doctor hasn't told us anything other than we will do another blood test in 8 weeks. They don't seem concerned that he has been sick now for about 3 months straight which is pissing me off since I'm not supposed to be around sick people.
  • Well I officially want to rip my doctors head off and shove it up his ass lol. We ended up at children's hospital today and have now been prescribed asthma medication and steroid mix forour bub as he is very close to be admitted to hospital again. We have to take him back in tThursday to have lungs etc checked and go from there.

    Seriously I can't get a break at all. Everyone says you can only fall so far before you start to rise up again but seriously I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS.
  • Your whole family is in our prayers. You've been holding.on strong for so.long, I.cant wait until things brighten up for you and your family. That doctor sounds like an ass. Is there another doctor the LO could see?
  • @1stWoodsBaby yeah he is an ass at moment lol. We are in process of trying to change to another doctor in the same practice but just takes some juggling around as most don't want to try take over in middle of something like this. Will get it sorted out soon though just having a hard time dealing with it all at the moment though.
  • Oh bless him! Are they still planning on leaving it another 8 weeks because I wouldnt have that!!
  • @littlenat86 not sure as had to see on call doctor. Am getting wife to ring Monday and transfer notes for review hopefully. I had my scan today and now wait 2 days for results.

    Have also had to go back to an on road position at moment due to a shortage of senior officers and a few major incidents. But nearly time to take some sleeping tablets as have had 1 hour sleep in 3 days lol.
  • Aw love. Times are hard I can't say I know. But u are one strong guy and things will look up when no one knows but ur in my prayers
  • Blood cells are crescent shaped in patients with sickle cell anemia. I know most cases manifest themselves at about 4 months. Are they specifying what they are looking for? How frustrating for you. I'm so sorry! I hope he gets well soon.

    Make sure to wear a mask at the hospital!

  • "God doesn't give us more then we can handle" I live by this
    :-( keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything with you and your kiddo goes well!
  • It won't be sickle cell. There has only been one case on history for a Caucasian developing it. You and your wife would also need to be carriers of the trait. That's next to impossible because of your race. I've had a few sickle cell patients.
  • @captivated they were asking about European ancestry originally as I was born in the UK. Am just waiting to see what next tests show.
  • Yep. There are tons of blood disorders. Sickle cell would be impossible unless you and your wife were of black descent. Praying for you little one :(
  • Hope it's nothing serious. I knew both parents had to carry the trait. So glad you don't. How both of you feel better soon!
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