Getting the tubes tied.

edited August 2012 in Health
We are sure that if I'm pregnant we don't want any more kids, 3 will be enough , and I'm considering getting my tubes tied, has anyone done it? What are the side effects? What was your personal experience with it? Would you recommend it? Come on ladies.. talk to me


  • My experience is telling the hubby he is getting snipped bc I already had to do pregnancy and birth.
  • edited August 2012
    @My2Boys According to my husband getting snipped would take part of his manhood with it , hahaha he is so dumb but he has a phobia of needles so he just makes excuses not to go anywhere near one.
  • Husband and I are having the same talk. We just cant decide who is getting it done. Me or him. Ive said I'd do it if I had to have a csection (Im 32 weeks pregnant). So thanks for asking. I've been wondering the same things.
  • Im going to get mine done after our last baby. But I know nothing about getting it done.
  • I would consider Essure. Non invasive, no surgery and done right in your ob office! Just as effective as tubal ligation, even more. Irreversible and permanent!
  • @captivated Ooh that seems way better than getting cut to block or clamp my tubes
  • I'll get you some info!
  • During the procedure, which takes less than 10 minutes, an Essure-certified doctor slides the small, soft inserts through the natural pathways of your vagina and cervix into your fallopian tubes, so no surgery or incision is required. The very tip of each insert remains visible to your doctor, providing immediate confirmation of proper placement. The flexible Essure inserts are made out of the same trusted, silicone-free material used in heart stents, so they bend and conform to the shape of your fallopian tubes while remaining securely in place.

    Over the next three months, your body works with the Essure inserts to form a natural barrier within each of your fallopian tubes. These barriers prevent sperm from reaching the eggs so that pregnancy cannot occur. During this three-month timeframe, you must continue to use another form of birth control.

    After three months, it’s time for your Essure Confirmation Test. During this simple test, a special dye is introduced into your uterus and viewed on an x-ray, so your doctor can confirm that your fallopian tubes are completely blocked and the inserts are in place. Once you receive this verification, you can rely on Essure for permanent birth control.
    Like all permanent birth control procedures, including tubal ligation and vasectomy, the Essure procedure should not be considered reversible, so you should be sure you do not want to get pregnant in the future.

    Essure is covered by most insurance providers, and if the Essure procedure is performed in a doctor's office, payment may be as low as your co-pay, depending on your insurance plan.

    99.83% effective
  • edited August 2012
    @captivated OMG that's way better than surgery.. I am going to do that instead when we have our third child
  • There are pros and cons for both tubal ligation and Essure. I'd definitely talk to your doc and see what they recommend!
  • After my experience with the iud I'm.never getting nothing put in me lol so tubes tied it is. I already have everything filled out so when I give birth they will do it right then. Hubby is getting snipped too.
  • edited August 2012
    @Janet_2011 ... I got mine tide last year in October 2011 . I decided to tie vs ensure because after my delivery I had a lot of complications with my epideral. I had 2 blood patches done to correct my epi issues. With saying this I refused to have anyone touch on me, go up in me or do ANYTHING while I was still awake. I wanted to be knocked the Hell out.

    Plus with essure you have to return for several visits besides the post op appt. You have to be tests to "ensure" that the spring they inserted caused the tubes to block up. I was like... Shit just snip and get it over.

    I registered at 630am, in surgery by 8am, got out, stayed in recovery and was on my way home by 1030am. They put me to sleep so I was really groggy after and I slept the rest of the day.

    I was BFing on demand so my LO had to formula feed for the day until about 6pm and I was allowed to continue BFing then

    Since they put me to sleep they didn't want me to transfer the anestetic meds to my baby and wait until they get out of my system

    After my first nursing she threw up and then slept the rest of the night so I probably should have waited 24 hours instead of what they told me.

    Well after surgery and for about 24 hours I was tired and sore.

    I had 2 staples in my belly button and one above my hair line. The doctor removed them like a week or 2 later which was painless.

    The only thing I notice is I was really emotional after. It was like my hormones were trying to get back in tack. My honey was great in recognizing why I was spazzing out but I will tell you I was an emotional reck.. it could have just been from motherhood as well because me baby was 6 months.

    Now.. I'm fine! The only thing is my periods are irregular and that could also be because I'm still nursing.

    I hope this helps

    (This message was sent on my cell... Ignore the spelling or auto correct issues.)
  • Men and their machismo attitudes!!

    My sister had essure and went through a scare. There are risks of it not embedding itself and traveling, causing puncture or pregnancy. It's a fairly new procedure and is still being ”learned” about. I would definitely talk to your physician about the risks.
  • Wow, good info. I was also wanting to know about these. @ynvtish I would also like to be knocked out. Lol. My sil sex drive disapeared after hers. Does that happen to everyone?
  • @angel26 ... I dont know cause I'm just naturally a freak and want sex all the time. LOL

    Maybe like subconsciously your sex drive goes up because you know you can't get pregnant.
  • Lol. Ive always been very into sex. But eer since I had kirsten I havent been that into it. :-(
  • I got a tubal reversal
  • I married a younger man wit no kids! I was on the fence n shouldnt have got them tied in the first place @ynvtish
  • I might be getting mine reversed too. Been in severe pain since I got mine done. Sex hasn't existed in months. I don't feel sexy anymore.
  • @preggomommyof4 How much did it cost?
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