Breastmilk Oversupply

edited August 2012 in Breastfeeding
I smoke so I don't think I can donate it, so what to do with the extra? In the two weeks since i gave birth, I've gathered 250 ounces. :( I'm running out of space. If it's good for up to a year, should I just suck it up and save it?


  • Get a deep freezer? I'd save it and use it in LOs food as he getss older.. put some in your coffee.. look had to do that one day.
  • I hate to say waste it by throwing it, but breast milk composition changes as baby grows. It may be inadequate a year from now. Try cutting out a pumping session gradually to curb production, unless you plan on transitioning to breast milk bottle feeding in the future.
  • You can still maybe find a donor even though you smoke. Maybe another smoking mother of a baby would want some of's worth a try rather than dumping it down the drain.
  • It does change, but it's still better than anything else. I had super supply, bought a deep freeze off Craigslist for $45 and banked it all because I was terrified to lose my milk and have to give my baby formula. Not that there's anything wrong with formula, I just wanted to BF. :-D I'm sooo glad I did! Little did I know I'd get knocked up again and tank my milk supply! Now he gets my milk from the freezer stash along with short nursing sessions :-)
  • I say go with the deep freezer or donate. A lot of breastfeeding mama's smoke!
  • edited August 2012
    I'm amending my previous post...

    I by no means meant to imply to toss it. I was just simply stating that composition changes in the span of a year.

    On another note, I think I need to exit Pregly tonight. My serious lack of sleep had me misinterpreting everything today. :O
  • @captivated, @EricaK22 I had no idea you could still donate if you smoke. I think that's my best option. I want to keep just a little if I need a babysitter or something. Thanks!

    @Mijita, @Ourlittlenugget I know it changes, it would take him forever to eat 250+ ounces. I can't really cut down on pumping though.. It hurts way too much this time.

    @caroline8_p I'm gonna ask hubby about a deep freezer. Thanks!
  • @Mijita I didn't think you were saying to toss it. Lol. I can't throw my liquid gold away. :P
  • Yes, don't cut down! You may have a drastic effect such as underproduction. I had a very painful overproduction like you. Around 5-6 months it leveled out.
  • @captivated What'd you do with your extra milk?
  • I just love hearing that other bf mommas smoke! People make me feel like I'm shitty mom for smoking too
  • I stored it in my freezer and eventually used it for daycare! I had over 200 oz stored by three weeks. Used it all somehow And I strictly breastfed at home with no bottles!
  • @lacy809, people are uninformed. It is better to smoke and breastfeed than to smoke and formulafeed!
  • @captivated that's exactly what I tell them when someone comments. I did my research before I started smoking again :)
  • So did I! Lol. All I do is tell them to do some research before lecturing me ;)
  • @Lacy809 I love smoking, sadly. I love breastfeeding.. I definitely smoke less when breastfeeding though. I think it's because breastfeeding is so relaxing and relieves stress.
  • Me too! There's just nothing better. I didn't breastfeed my daughter cause I just gave up when it hurt and I regretted it so much and now I'm so happy I stuck with it! Going on 4 months now :)
  • @Lacy809 Yay! I breastfed my first two (now 4 and 6) for two years. My third (now 13 months) for 8 months, and now I'm 2 weeks into my 4th!
  • A milk bank won't take it if you smoke but definitely you could find another mom who needs milk for her baby. Look on Facebook for eats on feets and human milk 4 human babies. From there you can find the local page for your state and hook up with a mom in need. :-)
  • You can donate some to me lol
  • You can ship it, dry ice!
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