any one up??

edited August 2012 in Pregnant
So im up n bored... im hurting im 38w2d preggo n ive been doing hours of walking all weekend and nothing... ughhh this baby has me hurting ... is anyone else up?


  • Yes damn hubby texd an woke me up hes at work ughh now i cant sleep!
  • Yep its lunchtime in the UK! It won't be long hun!
  • @mrz_jackson i woke up because i made hubby his lunch for wrk now my daughter is up and im soooo sleepy.. these 10 month olds have too much energy
    @littlenat86 o wow lol here in illinois its 7am now.i hope its not long from now last wednesday at the dr i was 4-5 cm dilated and i did lots of walking this weekend so hopefully i dilated more by this wednesday..
  • Walking put me into labour with my second! I went on a big walk on my due date, felt crampy from that evening, then really started contracting the following day at lunch! Yep, half one here! Riley is 9 months and I have a three year old so don't catch a break.... I need a nap!
  • Awe girl, you having any contractions? After finding out I was 5cm for like 5 days my water started to leak. I had her when I was 38w2d. So the end is near!
  • @littlenat86 yea im going to have my hand full with to babies under the age of 1.. well ive done alot of walking and i just feel pressure alot of pressure in my vajayjay and rectum. I feel crampy too.
    @trixiesmom8 i have contractions but not that close together. I hope the end is near because im sooo incomfortable and in pain i.cant take this anymore i get these huge pains when i walk in my vajayjay and feel like i have to pee and i dont and im having more discharge now..
  • That def sounds like you will be having baby soon. Maybe with all the pressure you have dilated more, maybe you'll even be sent to the hospital on wed for being so far dilated. When I was 5cm everyone was shocked that they didn't send me to the hospital cause 5 is considered active labor, but since I wasn't having hardly any contractions there was no point in playing the waiting game there when I could very well play it at home, which is what I did.
  • @trixiesmom8 ughhh i hope she sends me to the hospital cuz im ready i want this baby out.. its tooo uncomfortable already n im miserable.. right now im doing laundry and cleaning my house so hopefully all this moving brings on contractions...
  • For your sake I hope so. My fingers will be crossed for you %%-
  • @trixiesmom8 Thank u sweetie i hope so if not im going to run up and dwn all the stairs lol since i live in the 2nd floor ;)
  • Lol good luck with that lol
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