No maternity insurance

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm five weeks pregnant, and I have no maternity insurance. I can't get Medicaid (personal reasons) so I'm really trying to figure out what other options I have. I want to keep the baby, but I need real suggestions and advice on how to afford proper medical care. The discount cards don't really help either as they only provide a small discount. Thanks


  • The only advice I could give you is to speak to your doctor and find out what options you may have because all I know is that you can file for Medicaid right when you go to your appt but I see you can't do that.. but just speak to the doctor and see what they can do. Hope everything world out for you!
  • Well I couldn't get medi cal either. Cause I still live with my mom and im 17. So I got the presumptive medi cal. Its for under 18 and it just covers the pregnancy related stuff. But it expires every month so at the beginning of every month you need it, you have to go in and meet with ur worker and sign a paper.
  • Poker and june where are u guys from
  • @pokerstar u can talk to ur doctor see if they can give u discount or help u if u cant afford it. Oh since u can't get medicate u can go to a womens clinic and see if they can help u get insurance for 45 days cuz if u do u can use that when ur gettin close to ur due date. Where u from?
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