When/How to start table foods

My son is showing signs of wanting to self feed and eat my food when i eat. Im just nervous to give table food for fear he will choke anyone have any ideas for a first time mommy?


  • Just cut its up real small. Juliana has been eating what we eat for a while now and we haven't had any issues. I just put a few pieces on her try when she is done with that I add more.
  • I started my son at seven months with table food. But only with soft foods like mashed potatoes, steam veggies etc. By this time he was already eating puffs and cookies like a champ. I would give him whatever we would eat but cut it in really small pieces or I would smashed his food really good.
  • I guess im scared he will choke and i wont be able to help him :( @MorgDeeBee
  • Yeah, just give him teeny tiny pieces on his high chair tray. If he can pick them up, then he's ready to start & he will practice his pincer grip. (picking up food with first finger & thumb)
  • Maybe try some of the meals the have by the baby food that gerber makes, they have like spaghetti o's, chicken noodles, ravioli. They are ment for toddlers Juliana loved them but they are soft foods. I started with those because I was really worried she would choke. The only issue we have had are with apples.
  • As long as the pieces are small & either soft, or can melt (puffs, cheerios) then don't worry about him choking..he'll be ok. :) If he does choke a little, his body knows how to cough it up...lol..now choking on something BIG that can block his air way is different, but not likely at all.
  • Don't put much on the tray at a time. Cause there are some babies who love what you're giving them, and shove as much in their mouth as possible, and it becomes s choking hazard no matter how small the pieces are!
    Start with soft things, like cut up berries, steamed veggies, egg yolk etc cut up into small pieces.
  • Just remember the swipe method if he is choking or ur think he has to much. I also offer water to help wash it down. I had to swiped my son throat the other day in the store. Some how he was eating paper ( his favorite) i swiped it right out. Of course he got mad when i did.
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