pet peeves

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
What is everyones biggest pet peeves while pregnant? I cannot stand the way my bf eats chips. He always has to crunch them b4 he puts them in his mouth. Drives me nuts! Lol


  • I can't stand how well I can smell EVERYTHING! its so overwhelming to me and makes me even more nauseous than I already am... ugh!!
  • I totally know what u mean
  • I totally can't stand the fact that my bf doesn't get that I can't help but cry last night we watched the last song and I balled my eyes out. And he just laughed uggh I hate crying over stupid stuff
  • I hate my superhuman sense of smell too
    I can smell my cat's poop from across the apartment. Not cool.
  • Ha ha! I hate it when my hubby eats chips too! Today he was eating them and I told him to stop but he didn't so I walked over to him and smashed his sandwich with my hand. It felt really Good! Well other than the Mayo all over my hand LOL
  • Lol well when ppl chew with their mouths open drives me nuts right now . I use to be able to ignore it.
  • edited January 2011
    I love reading these!!!! Cuz I thought I was the only one going crazy on my man!!! Lol my huge pet peeve now is also my damn superman sense of hubby is far from a dirty person but just simple things like if he sleeps with his mouth opens or kisses me right when we wake up make me sick to my stomach!!! Lol I know its just the pregnancy tho bcuz we always used to share morning kisses and it never bothered me before! ! Lol he now jokes with me.saying i now think I am the best smelling person in the world! !! Haha
  • @dollfacex0x0 - I am right there with you! Its like we will be sleeping and he will roll towards me and I will have to roll the other way because the thought of him even breathing my way while we sleep makes me sick to my stomach. LOL.
  • Grrr I'm much jealous of non preg woman... my biggest pet peeve are cats!!! Ewwww I hate the way they cry like baby's. @VictoriaB look up cat feces n pregnancy noo bueno friend
  • My biggest one is my hubbys driving. Lol little things he does. But dogs and smell are the next. Well loud barking dogs!
  • Hahaha these are so funny. Im writing all mine In a journal so I can look back a year from now and laugh at myself Haha but mine are the way my fiance eats. Its so disturbing and gross he finishes a heaping plate in like 3 bites. And his driving makes me so nervous. I get so angry I cry lol but I can't stand when he snores loud anymore I usually kick him or elbow him Haha. It use to not bother me. Now I feel like its on purpose even though its not Haha
  • @mommysbabygirl yeah, I checked it out. I'm not cleaning her box, I just have to smell her poop. Also no bueno!
  • Oh man! grama gets rid of Ger cat n the smell before she invites me over so I heard lolol aw! I'm sure its the pegna
  • I am with most of you on our men eating. Its frustrating because he doesn't understand how annoying it is for me. I also get super angry he calls me crazy because I am angry 1minute and crying the next. He says I'm so emotional and he doesn't understand I can't control it!
  • I thought I was only one whose husbands a.m. breath killed her. It was like the moment I found out I was preggo was the moment his breath turned 7 yr old boys a.m. breath ain't nothin to mess with either lol
  • Im back with another one! Lmfao! My other pet my hubby hogs EVERYTHING!!!!! The bed, the blankets,...whatever! It drives me insane!!! Lol I was about to karate kick his ass so hard last night at the movie theater cuz he was hogging all the arm space with his huge arm n jacket!!! Grrrrrrr..... :)
  • yeah listening to hubby drink n easy as well drives me nuts also his driving, but worst is when I'm so dizzy I can barely stand cook for everyone I have 2 kids aswell n no one eats
  • I am so with all of yall. My biggest thing with my hubby is his driving, he scares the crap out of me, thank god for the o shit handles. Also, I have noticed that ever since ive been preggers, people in general get on my nerves, like my fuse is so short. I feel so bad about it, im like a walking nightmare lol
  • My pet peeve is when I take the time to clean the house even though I work a full time job n come home to a sink full of dishes, clothes thrown on the couch, trash piled up n not taken out..I instantly go on a rampage..but it doesn't phase the bf..the next day it'll be the same
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