what are some non-hormonal bc

edited August 2012 in Health
I am still bf my nine month old and I have been taking the mini pill since my six week apt..but ever since I've been on it I was having a period every 2 weeks, they were extremely light and only lasting like 3 days. I was wondering what my other options are, I have a doc apt in two weeks but I was trying to do some research in the meantime. I think I want to nuvaring for when I am done bf so I don't have to worry about the pills.

@captivated @mijita since you seem to know a lot lol


  • The nuvaring is a hormonal birth control. The only non hormonal bc is the paragard iud.

    Natural family planning such as condoms, diaphragms, sponge and spermicides contain no hormones.
  • Yep paragard im wanting it but im scared
  • @captivated named them. Only Paraguard is nonhormonal. There are various options of cervical caps, sponges and diaphragms, but what's available depends on what your Dr. provides and what your insurance covers. I suggest calling your provider and asking them what options they have for a nursing mother and if your insurance covers it. Then do your research. Remember, most people only post the ”ugly” reviews online, so refrain from making a decision based solely on reviews. The internet can be a scary place!

    Good luck!
  • I don't mind the hormones for when I'm done nursing, I just don't want to take a pill forever. I know an iud is out of the question cause we want another one in like 1 to 2 yrs..3 at the latest. @mrz_jackson I don't think I could handle that lol
    @mijita yes the internet is scary.
    @captivated thanks for all of those.
  • O yea u can my friend took out her mirena an was pregnant the next month
  • Holy crap! Lol @mrz_jackson I heard the mirena makes you gain like 30lbs tho..anyways...well I guess I need to figure out is best for me and do the research and also what is covered by my insurance.
  • I no girl idk wat to do either i think about it everyday lol
  • Lol its so hard to figure out! I hate taking pills and for the life of me I sometimes don't remember that's why I set my alarm. I hate having to remember to take it! So I thought if I get something like that I wouldn't have to worry about it. But the iuds scare me and I was thinking of the nuvaring but idk if I could stick something up there like that lol @mrz_jackson
  • Haha i have the exact same thoughts! The pills i set my alarm to an had no problem taking them but i was so emotional on them an every afternoon i wuld get nauseated. Its a really sucky situation to be in cuz i sooo dont wana be pregnant ugh wat to do!!!
  • I have mirena and love it....
  • @mrz_jackson yea it starting to be my problem..I am noticing I'm getting frustrated and irritated at things way faster and more often then usual and I don't like it.
    @bexiewexie Google is a scary thing sometimes..I hate looking up things on there some times lol
    @tinka1326 yea i have friends that were on it and loved it too..I just would be afraid it would move and I don't think my insurance will cover it.
  • Yep that was me then sumtimes i jus wanted to cry for no reason
  • Yepp me too @mrz_jackson glad its the bc and not me going crazy.
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