implantation bleeding? *update with questions! help!*

edited August 2012 in Pregnant
When I got pregnant last year I didn't have any implantation bleeding. I didn't bleed until the day I found out I was pregnant. I am a week away from starting my period. I am having very very light pink spotting when I wipe. Did anyone have implantation bleeding like this or is af deciding to make an early appearance?


  • Hi I've was just thinking about you today how are you? Not for sure if its implantation or just af is about to show up. for you. I wish I could help you its just different for everyone. Ill be checking for updates.
  • Nope I don't think there is anyway to know..I never had implantation bleeding tho.
  • Well it stopped and my fiance and I haven't had sex in a couple of days so its not from that. So who knows. I'm having a few symptoms but I'm trying not to dwell on it. I'm getting married on June first next year so I'm hoping this is my month so I'll be okay by then. If I don't get pregnant this month, and get pregnant after, I'll have to push my wedding back a few months. Fingers crossed ladies :)
    @hodgeslangdon I'm okay, I've been meaning to tell you congrats on your rainbow baby :)
  • I started bleeding eight days before my period was due. It was very light, but enough that a put a tampon in anyway, just in case. I changed it a little later and there wasn't much there. So I decided to hold off on another. The next morning I woke up and needed to put one in as it got heavier in the night. Long story short, I'll go a few hours very light and maybe an hour or two heavily for the past week. I've never done this. I was actually supposed to start today. I've been reading on other women and their implantation bleeding stories and there are women who have bled like I have been, so fingers crossed, I'm going to test tomorrow! I'm praying to god this is it. Thoughts, experiences, etc?
  • No idea why you would bleed on such a weird schedule, but my fingers are crossed for you that it was for a good.reason! :)
  • idk but hope you get your positive!
  • Thanks ladies. I'm feeling pretty discouraged but we'll see what happens :) I'll keep you all posted.
  • Doesn't sound like pregnancy to me, and if it was, definitely not a good sign. Good luck!
  • This happened to me althoughy cycle was off sometimes it would skip a month but I started bleeding april 16 & I was expecting my period the following week. It started like a normal period but lightened really fast then got heavier then went away then I was spotting I assumed it was my period but since it lasted a week and it was definately acting weird I took a test april 23 & it was positive. Oh and I took one the morning of april 16 before I started bleeding and it was negative. Crossing my fingers for you :)
  • Thanks. You will get the baby you have always wanted. I don't come on here much I do check on updates from some of you ladies. @mrsrobbins6113
  • I've been bleeding off and on for eleven days. Idk what this is, but I doubt it means a baby. I took a test a few days ago, and depending on when I ovulated it may be too early to tell. I'm not getting excited though.
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