Toddler Formula vs. Cow's Milk

Which one is worse?


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  • Ive seen lots of posts about cows milk not being 'good enough' for babies.. why is that? Ive never done research on it. Do the parents that chose to give their LO's other types of milk not drink cows milk? Im really just curious because I never thought about other options until seeing all the posts lately. @mama_kat and @steph_Due_101611
  • Oh I didnt want to know that, although i asked. Lol. :0& i only drink water milk and very few juices so milk is a big party of my diet. Hopefully i can forget that before breakfast in the morning.
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  • @homebirthadvocate at what age do you switch LO to cows milk? Or will you stay away from cow all together and go a different route.

  • @homebirthadvocate would the toddler formula be a better choice for lo over cows milk then?
  • Toddler milk is artificial and no better than cows milk. Its pretty much a marketing scheme. If you try milk, just go organic to avoid the hormones. You'll know if your baby isn't tolerating it. Toddlers technically only get 26-24 oz of whole milk, so its not a lot. The bulk of their nutrition should be coming from solid food sources.

    Everyone here has a different parenting style and nutrition preference. Just cause you want to give your child whole milk doesn't make your choice a bad one.
  • Ive tried giving my lo milk and she doesn't like it. @mijita my mom made a horrible suggestion if putting chocolate in the milk. I think id rather do toddler formula than chocolate milk.
  • My LO isn't interested either. I'm still breastfeeding, but I give her cheese, yogurt and a protein source along with a varied fruits and veggies everyday, do I'm not too worried about her nutrient needs.

    She's probably just not ready. Was she formula fed? If so did your try half formula half milk?
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  • What's the difference between toddler formula and baby formula? Is it the same as the Similac powders and Enfamil powders? Sorry but i seem to only see those two formulas in stores around me..
  • @mom2ing yea i had no idea.. especially since people always say 'drink your milk for calcium and strong bones'..
  • Like @mijita said, toddler formula is purely a marketing scheme.
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