A year already and (help me)

edited August 2012 in Ages & Stages
My son is a little over old and he doesn't want to eat table food. He is still eating baby food and some days doesn't even want that. What do I do? He will only try stuff that dissolves like puffs, mumms, gerger cookies this is the only one that didn't want real food. My other to no problem.


  • edited August 2012
    Are you giving him juice? If you are, stop. They are empty calories and tend to fill a baby. Are you letting him explore his food? Chop up some blueberries and lety him play, when he's interested he'll eat. They explore first, then eat. Table food is more filling than baby food, so it takes less top fill them.
  • My son was about 18-20 months before he wanted solids. The doctor said some kids are like that and you should really only worry if he isn't growing or he is missing major milestones. This was eight years ago so you might want to double check with your pedi. but I doubt it has changed.

    But like @mijita suggested let him play with his food. Maybe get a whole bunch of fruits and veggies and cut them up into diffrent shapes and sizes.
  • I started Nathan out very slowly...he had pancakes (cut into tiny pieces) for his first birthday. I've seen ladies on here have given their lo's scrambled eggs. As the other girls said...he has to explore food before he will eat it.
  • Scrambled eggs are great to try. You can hide so many veggies. Also, try putting some kind of flavoring in things like that (scrambled eggs I do oregano) McKinley is way more likely to eat things if they have a bit more flavor to them. But let him play, and keep offering stuff. And don't worry, its not like hell be eating baby food till he's in college!
  • I talk to pedi at 1yr check up and he said just feed him what he will eat. Eventually he will get bored with it. Also as long as he is gaining and growing doc is cool with that
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