not using oxiclean anymore! pic included

So once again my lo pooped out of her I sprayed the shirt with oxiclean and didn't get a chance to wash it till today it happened Friday today is Monday so all weekend I was spraying it well I noticed last night it had white spots where the cleaner I figured it would come out when I washed it today. Was I wrong! It tore the shirt to shreds! I am so mad. It's never done that before. I can't have all her clothes being torn up, I don't have the money to replace them. She had only worn that outfit twice too. Ugh so very very mad!!!!! X(

Here is a pic of the shirt after I washed it


  • Not a very good pic. The laundry room has horrible lighting.
  • Yea I was not a happy mama when I saw that. It was a cute carters outfit too lol. @sands3
  • I have that outfit. Lol. But im sorry that happened.
  • Lol I loved it @angel26 I love all carters stuff lol its expensive tho lol.

    Oh and it was the laundry spray oxiclean not the versitile stuff that you can use on your carpets and other things too.
  • Wow! I had no idea oxiclean would do that!! :( Soak the shirt the next time after you put the oxiclean on should pull the stains out, and not make holes in her clothes
  • The clorox 2 stain spray did that to my babys clothes but it sed on the bottle not to let it dry on there an i did
  • @ericak22 me either. I've sprayed it ob her clothed before and haven't had a problem..maybe because it sat there too long? Idk but it sucks!
    @mrz_jackson I just checked and it doesn't say on the bottle about not letting it dry.
  • @mom2ing that is what I am thinking cause I usually don't have that problem but I've also hadn't gone that long without washing them. We had a busy weekend so I didn't get a chance to do s load.
  • or u can use cascade but u have to make sure its completely desolved try it on a pairof ur jeans over night u would b surprised how much oil comes out of them
  • Yepp...I won't be doing that again @mine2ing

    Really?! @skysma that sounds like too much work for me lol I am better with just the spray and then wash lol
  • @mom2ing stupid auto correct
  • I love there clothes but yes they expensive. I can only get some when they have huge sale.
  • Na just use a bucket feel it with hot water nd soap wait like 5 min stir than throw the clothes in there wash them th next mornin
  • Oh no! Such a cute outfit and I'm in england but when I had both girls my auntie sent some carters clothes over as gifts and loveddddd them!! And last wEek I found a shop that sells them and at discounted price but only odd items :( xx
  • @angel26 Yepp that's the best when they are on sale..I don't buy them much unless they are either.
    @skysma yea...I don't have the space for that lol but thanks hun.
    @georgias_mummy thanks! And that's cool you found a shop that sells them even if they are odds and ends of outfits esp since they are discounted.
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  • Exacttly so glad got my lo a gawjuss I love daddy sleepsuit love the quality so shocked spray could do that! Xx
  • My go to stuff is lemon, baking soda or hydrogen peroxid(sp). And if the stain doesnt come out after the wash. Dont put it in the dryer. Squirt some fresh lemon on the stain and hang it outside in the sun. The sun is natural bleach I swear!
  • @proudmommy8789 yes it is. We live in an apt do sticking something outside wouldn't work and her poop is usually ridiculous when it goes out of the diaper.
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