any1 planning on ttc and if so when :)

Me and oh are planning (long as midwife gives us the ok) on trying for baby no3 november + time lo will be 1 in feb so if don't take long will be hopefully under 2 before next buba comes along but obs I know can take any amount of time to concieve took 8 months with savannah :) jw If any1 else was already planning there 1st or next etc and if so are u excited or anxious about it :) xxx


  • I will be stopping the pill after this cycle. So, we shall see.

    Good luck!
  • Awww good luck and baby dust to u 2 @Mijita its an exciting time :) not so nice seeing - tests though I'm not looking forward to that bit as much :p xx
  • I'm not that brave. I wait as long as possible before testing. My last pregnancy I didn't test until about day 50 past LMP. :p
  • Reli! @Mijita I'm determind to leave atleast a week after lmp as spent so much on tests and getting excited 2 test then come on af next day! Lol but deff going to be more relaxed (easier said than done) and try to not try if that makes sence no old wifes tales etc :)
  • Lol! If I don't conceive in the next year, I'm done. I wish you the best. I'll keep an eye out on you!
  • I'm the same I want a close gap as I don't want to be forever doing school run and I want to go back to work soon bt wanna enjoy babies 1st while I'm young and can run around etc a carEer will follow (others do it other way round but I chose this way :) ) and u 2 @Mijita hopefully well all be seeing ur bfp post soon :) xx
  • Lol, you will but only after a confirmation appointment. I've had one miscarriage, and a ruptured ectopic. I get my hopes up for some of the ladies here and saddened when things don't go as they want. It's heartbreaking and literally turns my stomach, as I know their disappointment. :)
  • I'm currently ttc but only casually. if in 3 months it doesn't happen, we'll try try. for now just enjoying ourselves hehheeh
  • Aww @Mijita I have to have scans and tests before can Ttc too as when I had savannah I gave birth at 3cms dilated after 5 days my cervix even came out abit as pushed 2 hard app so have been told to have scans to check it if want to ttc again plus I had blood clots after that so need to wait till warferins fin and then have tests to check there ok now and can come off meds :( gunna be horrible all tests but worth it in end so sorry for your loss hun no women should feel that pain! Xxx and @dra765 its best to be that way as your more relaxed so more likely to ttc hope it works and u get a bfp soon :) xx
  • Stay on top of it. Sounds like you had a prolapsed cervix and they suspect you may have an incompetent cervix this go around. It definitely will be worth it!
  • Ty hun they never reli spoke about it (our hosp aint that gd) rushed me in nd out really so can't wait to see midwife and talk my options through etc thank u :) @Mijita xx
  • thanks and you also \m/
  • Actively trying right now
  • When hubby gets home in 2weeks :)
  • After my daughters 1st b'day sept 27th for our 2nd and last child (:
  • Id like to fall preg dec. My lo will be 1 in may :) we aren't on any bc atm though and I've been feeling queezy so who knows!! Sort of hoping I'm not though for the simple fact that my oldest is april 28th, next is may 3rd and this one would be early april if I was. Ohhh dear!
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