have you girls ever had seconds thoughts of what ur doing?..no juding

edited August 2012 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
idk what happened this weekend but i woke feeling a lil weird..
im starting to think twice about everything!
my future
financial state
my relationship n why we havent conceived nor why he asked me to marry him
am i good mother
should i go back to school
should i stop worrying about things n go out like i used to
why didnt i n my sons dad work out?...
sry it probably makes no sense.....im just typing out my thoughts sry..


  • Maybe that is your inner self starting to reflect outwardly? I know how very hard you've been trying for a baby, but maybe there is a bigger reason why you haven't conceived seeing as you've been given a green light medically. Maybe you need to take a break from all the stresses and just live a little :) I bet it would do wonders!
  • Yes... I have mini panic attacks every now and then thinkin "hell I've tried so hard for a baby, a I sure I'm ready?? Is this really what I want?" I doubt myself a lot... I think its totally natural.
  • @redshadoe0- is it really?? lol cus i woke up kinda hating my bf lol
    i dont even know why?? lol maybe cus i had a dream with his ex baby momma so it pissed me off lol all bad!!!!!
  • My advise... Youre young, live ur life. Dont let ttc interfear with life and what is right in front of u. Try focusing on ur son and u. Just live life! Everything that is suppose to happen will happen but u need to live. Dont miss out on life because u r trying too hard. I hope u know what i mean. ;) live :)
  • =) mmmyof3girls--i swear if it wasnt for me being on af i would totally believe i was pg u just made get teary eye lmbo/ I knO exactly what yu mean! =)

    **i love you girls i feel closer to you guys on pregly than i do with my own "Friends"
    @redshadoe0 @Rtmommy @bexiewexie @mama_Kat @mijita @mommylovesSparkle @lourdes26us1 @mom2ING any one else i missed
  • Gotta love hormones! I say focus on the things you have control over, leave the past in the past, and don't dwell on the why's and what ifs. You've created one human life, so you know you are capable of it. Take your struggles as a blessing and enjoy your today because our tomorrow is not guaranteed.

    It's ok to have doubt and questions -- this is how we assess and grow as humans. It's what you do with them that define you as an individual. Enjoy life and challenge yourself, you may find you enjoy it more than you thought.
  • Aww we love you too :X I get like this too and end up throwing a fit and having an anxiety attack lol it will come when it's ready just enjoy your life in the meantime don't stress about ttc it will happen when you least expect it!
  • Taking a mental break from ttc wouldn't be a bad idea. As for bf and not asking to get married-- marriage is overrated. He's proving that he's staying with you for love and because he wants to. Not because you'll get half his stuff if you split. Lol

    Once my current pregnancy started going well, I started questioning whether or not I'm really ready for this, too. I think over thinking is just something women do when they're changing so much in their lives. I'm now to the point of being excited for my new little boy, and laugh when I think about how I doubted it.

    You'll figure out what is best for you. Sit down and have a talk with your bf. He's a good guy. Don't let hormonal thoughts upset you. <3
  • Yep, I totally think its normal. :) its a huge change... Of course you step back and wonder. Don't let doubts get ya tho
  • I think like this all the time
  • I know what you mean about questioning yourself. There isn't a day that goes by that I don'twonder if iI'm doing the right thing as a dad since I never had a father figure around growing up until I met my wife's dad. My dad has been gone for nearly 10yrs and I have only just started to forgive him for what I went through growing up.

    I have never even visited his grave but am actually going to say to the wife that I want to do it soon. This recent struggle for me has made a few things come into focus and just writing this brings me to tears.

    Am more than happy to talk if you ever want a guys view and will answer as best as I can.
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