
edited August 2012 in Health
Over the past couple years I've developed some sort of anxiety issue. EVERYYHING scares me. I hear a noise i freak that its someone whos gonna murder us. Or riding in the car i mentally freak that were gonna have the acident thats gonna kill us. And what ifs terrify me. Im tired of freaking out. The anxiety is torture. Some help. Who would i talk to? Psychiatrist?


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  • @mama_kat i was gonna tag you but i figured you'd catch up with it. I dont know why i get so anxious but its been bad lately. Really bad. Like almost to the point if self harm bad.
  • edited August 2012
    I suffered panic disorder for over 10 years and had to be medicated for 9.5. I feared death, and anything that altered my reality just slightly caused me to have an anxiety attack. I was afraid to do anything because I was afraid I'd lose control. I sight therapy and was under care of a physiologist.

    In my years of therapy I learned the anxiety attacks are a learned habit and I have since learned to talk myself out of certain situations. I don't know your situation, but you may have a chemical imbalance that is causing your attacks. Seek an evaluation, as your thoughts of self-harm raised a red flag for me.

    Good luck! I know the fear and the loss of self-control you feel. :(
  • edited August 2012
    A little background...

    Ive suffered from depression since i was 13. I used to get drunk and cut myself. Depression and self harm have been a big struggle all these years. I went through a bad phase with pain killers at 15/16.
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  • Anxiety and depression commonly occur together, so don't be surprised when you suffer one or the other or both. If you decide to seek treatment, make sure to mention your history of substance abuse. Most SSRI's are nonaddictive and there may be alternative options for you. Just depends on the route you choose.
  • @mijita @mama_kat its not that i was addicted to them but i was abusing them.
  • ive been battling anxiety for years mine started with drug abuse (been clean 6 yrs next month)i still battle it but no where near as frequent as i did when i started.ive learned to deal & i must say it does get easier in Time with proper all honesty meds made me worse,if you want to pm so we can share stories & maybe go over things that helped me please do,im here if ys need me :)
  • I've suffered from anxiety for ten year sssri's help so much!! I went from panic attacks all day long to twice a year. I've suffered from intrusive thoughts as well but never acted on them. You should really talk to a psychiatrist there is help out there.
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  • I have had depression for years. In high school I ended up in the hospital bc I overdosed on pills bc I just couldn't handle life anymore. I started taking meds. I stopped after moving out of my parents house bc that was one of my problems, my dad verbally abused me and hit me.
    After many years I knew I still was depressed bc nothing made me happy, after my third baby (he is 4 mos now)I had so much going on at once, family probs, got laid off at work, my 2 yr old started terrible 2's big time, my daughter was being bullied at school...the baby coming...just too much. I ended up going to the er...bc I had a panic attack. They gave me meds and I now see a therapist. (The psychiatrists appts were not avail til almost end of Aug and this was in May) just talking to a third party helps. The meds help too...its just enough to help me feel better but not zombie like, like some meds make you feel. Def praying for you bc I knew its difficult but just make sure to get help.
  • I have had depression for a few years now with anxeity. Its getting a lot better but its the anxiety that really sucks, which ive gotten better with it too. Just have a good support system. Talk to someone. You are not weak for getting on medications. Xanex is a good anxiety medication but its easy to become addictes to it since it works wonderfully.
  • edited August 2012
    This might sound retarded but the government scares the living crap outta me.

    I've had this reoccuring vision of the government sending in armed forces to take us all over and they're killing more people than not.

    I also see bombs, explosions, in chicago. Im just south of chicago. Idk.

    Idk if its all some huge fear if war happening here.

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  • edited August 2012
    Its not dreams. Im completely awake. These events flash through my mind. My heart starts to race my then my thoughts of what ifs goes crazy. I kinda just curl up and try to think about something else. Throughout my life ive been able to sense things or "see" things before they happen. I know when someones gonna die or is pregnant, maybe not specifically who but family. And the fact that this vision repeats its self over and over has alone caused me soo much anxiety. I swear sometimes i hear stuff but i guess i didn't. Like ill hear the sound of tanks rolling slowly down the street. Idk i guess im starting to sound crazy now.
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