Thyroid...need more HELP.

edited August 2012 in Health
So I went to get the results of my radioactive iodine scan & uptake. That's the test they couldn't do while I was pregnant.

It showed that the large nodule on my thyroid is cold. (not producing thyroid hormone) That means the cause of my hyperthyroidism is now Grave's disease, not toxic multinodular goiter.

It also means I have to go get a fine needle asperation of it to see if it's cancer. She said the nodule is solid & fluid filled in different locations, which typically means no cancer, but we'll see.

Also, the nodule has grown from 3.1 cm to 3.8 cm. I'm also having more blood work done to see if my hyperthyroid levels are getting any worse or anything.


  • I will be praying for you @Wilsomom
  • Oh my! I'm sorry you're going through this. Prayers for a speedy return to good health!
  • edited August 2012
    :( at least it's treatable!

    I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Although I hate you suffered a loss, the loss allowed you to be diagnosed. Now you can be treated to get your thyroid and hormones under control. That way if you are blessed with another baby, you are now aware of your disease and can take precautions to prevent possible problems and complications caused by it.

    The only way you have left to go is up!

    Hugs >:D<
  • Oh, Mama....God is really testing you lately! I'm sorry for everything you're going through. You're in my thoughts and in my prayers...
  • Thanks, ladies. I'll have to see what happens with the cancer test and then we'll have a better idea for treatment. It all depends on that, whether I have surgery, medicine, just wait it out, etc. Hoping for good news, thanks for the thoughts & prayers!
  • Praying for good news for u!
  • I'm thinking and praying for you. You've been through so much lately
  • Praying for you sweetie, I hope they can get you fixed soon x
  • I know exactly how you feel the waiting for results is murder. I was so stressed when I was waiting for my tests to come back about my cancer and when I got them even though it was positive I was relieved in a way because I knew what the plan was.

    Good luck and hoping for the best outcome possible for you.
  • Thank you. @dadof2n1togo Yes, it is so annoying not knowing for sure what's going on. How is your treatment going?

    I didn't realize I had so many of the symptoms of Grave's disease until I started reading about it. For example, difficulty sleeping, like right now! Lol
  • I have 3 rounds of my 8 week schedule left to go and am currently sporting the I lost a fight with a tub of wax look lol. Nausea and lack of energy are still a battle most days and so is loss of appetite but I am coping better at least. I am currently weighing in nearly 27kgs lighter than before my surgery which was about 6-7wks ago.

    I am feeling quite optimistic about being able to come off of the meds on time and hopefully staying cancer free. I have already begun putting together a full plan of meals and exercise to try stick to also after the chemo and use this as a time to turn my life around and get back on track for my families sake.

    Emotionally I am a fricken train wreck and everyday is a struggle but I keep dimple things in my head to keep me going.
  • My sister in law sent me this a week ago and it helps me everyday as she knows I'm struggling.

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realisation that fear can be overcome.

    Hope that helps anyone that needs it as its helped me so far.
  • Holy smokes, 60 pounds?!?! No wonder you are so fatigued. I'm glad things are looking up and you're feeling a tad bit better. You're almost there!

  • At @Mijita yeah my doctor is pissed at me lol. I am eating a bit more than I was but yeah still a big struggle.
  • @dadof2n1togo Wow, you are going through so much! You are a champ though. I was actually reading a book from the library about nutrition during & after cancer treatment. It's great that you're making a plan! I love the quote too, thank you. I try so hard not to, but I struggle with fear.
  • *update - so yesterday I'm diagnosed with grave's disease. I get a call today & am told my thyroid levels from yesterday's blood work are NORMAL! Yay! Crazy, but excited! I guess prayers were answered.

    So now I just gotta get through the cancer test. Prayers that it's not cancer please!
  • Thanks @mom2ing Did it go away you think? My doc said it can go in remission sometimes. I'm wondering if I really even had it because my levels were barely abnormal... It could've just been the pregnancy hormones.
  • I'm getting really discouraged now. I swear it feels like the nodule is getting bigger. I got an awesome book recommended by @bahamamama4828 about getting my body's ph back in balance. The thing is I don't have the extra $ right now for all the supplements & fresh veggies to juice & eat. I know that cancer can't start or survive in an alkaline environment from other studies I've done. I never knew how to make my body more alkaline until reading that book! I was already doing a lot of it, but not everything. Ugh! It's so frustrating knowing what to do to heal your body, but not being able to afford it! Any ideas?
  • edited August 2012
    I'm sorry :( I absolutely hate how we get hypersensitive and cause more stress on ourselves.

    From a nutritional standpoint I would say curb all the unnecessary stuff that is indirectly linked to cancers, like processed foods (eat in moderation), excessive red meats, refined foods, sweets that are laden with fats especially saturated fats. Avoid scorched meats when cooking, excessive salt and things that are pickled.

    Focus on fruits and veggies, the more colors the better. Both are rich in flavanoids and phytonutrients that contain protective components to ward off diseases(s).

    I know you said you don't have the extra funds, but this is a step in the right direction. Aspirin therapy (baby aspirin), has shown to reduce inflammation and the domino effect of ill health caused by it. Oh and don't forget to exercise!

    Positive thoughts my friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • @Wilsomom. Missed this post. I have Graves disease, had two nodules growing off my thyroid and also had the radioactive test. I had three bioopsys because hey kept coming back inconclusive. Ended up yaking out my whole thyroid. I just tale a hormone replacement pill everyday. My nodules would have kept growing and eventually start to push on my windpipe then I would have breating issues. I know EXACTLY what you are going through.
  • @mijita - thanks for the tips, I'm gonna do everything I possible can!
    @kyliemommie - I'm a nervous wreck about having it completely removed - it has so many functions in the body & my hormone levels are back to normal... This is all so confusing. :/
  • edited August 2012
    I read these articles and thought of you. I'm sure you already plan ahead, but thought I'd share just in case it gives you, if just a little insight.

    Eating healthy on a budget

    Help lower your cancer risk by tweaking your dietary choices
  • @mijita thank you! I've had a crazy busy day, but I'll def check those out later. I'm always looking to learn new things. :)
  • Praying for you!
  • @jodi102011 - Thank you, I could sure use it!
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