birth control

I don't know the names of the types but she recommended the one that goes into you're arm. Which do yall have/prefer and why? :) oh I heard with that one, it stays for 3 years? My medicaid is up October 6 and in case I can't get approved again, id like to get something that lasts. Thanks!!!


  • Implanon goes in your arm for about three years.

    mirena IUD is hormonal

    Paragard iud is the only non hormonal BC also known as the copper iud.

    Mini pill. Not very effective with typical use.

    Other birth control pills.

    Depo shot lasts three months.

    Nuvaring goes up against your cervix. Good for a week or a month, i cant remember.

    There is essure which is a non surgical sterilization procedure.

    Thats about it, the long lasting ones being implanon and iud.
  • @captivated thank you! do you have any experience with any or recommend a certain one? I didn't know what pros and cons are out there. Like gaining weight, period never returning, etc. lol
  • I am not wild about the implanon. I know of people that loved it and hated it. It is hard to give you an answer because everyone reacts differently. One friend bled the entire time on it- over six months and had it removed. Another friend had it work itself halfways out of her arm. Another loved it and had no bleeding after the second month.

    As for mirena, same thing in regards to bleeding. My best friends became displaced, perferated her uterus and she hemorrhaged and needed a blood transfusion. Many other acquaintances loved it.

    My personal opinion is that our bodies are not made to acclimate to foreign objects in our bodies, hence the displacement etc. Some people will reject the foreign object. Some won't. The only way you will know is to try :(

    I stick with pills, but that is because my disease will end up forming scar tissue around any object placed near my cervix. The implanon I am not comfortable with.
  • @captivated thank you again for all the info and for taking the time to put all that together. :)

    Anyone else with experiences with certain types that you'd recommend or to just let me know how you liked it?
  • The nuvaring is a monthly bc, in for 3 weeks and out for 1 (to have a period), then insert a new ring. It is very low maintenance and can be removed at anytime, should the need arise, without a visit to the doctor. I know we women hate our periods and they may not always be "necessary", but they are healthy for our bodies. I've had lighter periods since starting the nuvaring, but I notice more cramping. However, I do not believe the cramps are related to the bc, but perhaps something underlying as I bled heavily and passed baseball sized clots for the first 24-48 hours after my daughter was born.
  • edited August 2012
    Depo shot. But everyone has different experiences with BC so I don't know how well your body takes to drugs/bc

    I could correctly tell you if I knew... My body takes to pretty much anything. So I never suffered from horrible side effects ...
  • I had the mirena for a year and got it removed. My period never stopped, I never knew when it was coming. Different times every.month. Also it gave me a horrible pain on my left side. After that, I took the pill and was pleased. I knew when my period was coming every month. Now I have my tubes tied
  • I've had the implanon and have used Nuvaring.

    The implanon woulda been great had I not been that 10% to react negatively. I took it out after 2 years.

    I loved the Nuvaring until I saw all of those 1-800-BAD-DRUG commercials saying it was causing serious health issues and even death. I really loved it :(

    I wanna try the paraguard but haven't fully decided yet
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