My 10 month old won't stop hitting my face when she gets close enough I've tried a stern NO and to be nice and also putting her down and walking away what else can I do? is this a normal stage?
Must be. My 10 month old does it as well and has for a few weeks now. Well let me rephrase. She started around 9 months and did it for a few weeks. Shes now 10 months and we've seemed to have broken the habit. I'd grab her hand, look her in the eye, sternly say no and swat her little hand. If we were playing or I was holding her I'd put her down or play somewhere else or walk away. After 2-3 weeks she stopped. She'll occassionally do it now if she gets over excited and is playing hard with someone, but a stern no seems to get her back on track.
My lo does this too..he's 13 months though..he hurts me sometimes he hits me though. I've tried telling him no, but it seems to make him even more mad, and starts hitting harder.
My LO did it for a short period. I would grab her hand and stroke my face softly where she hit me and say, ”be nice, like this,” she doesn't hit anymore.
Mine too he hits me, pinches me, bites me and slaps me. Hes nearly 13 months old too and iv tried saying no, tapping him bk to show its not nice, laying him down to have a paddy on the floor whilst I ignore him
My ten month old does this too. Yesturday after I firmly told her no and then put her down, she grabbed me calf and bit me!! Thankfully only her first tooth is coming in so it was mostly gums lol. Still tho she was MEAN about it
Wow this is crazy I wonder why they go through this stage? where does the aggression come from? well at least I know its not just her, its somewhat normal lol. She laughs when I grab her hand too