Normal to be almost 16 weeks and no u/s?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
I will be 16 weeks on Thursday and haven't had an ultrasound because the last clinic I was going to didn't have the machine. Now I changed clinincs and have an appt tomorrow morning so if I haven't had one any chances they will do a u/s there? & if they do and if they can tell the gender will they just tell me?


  • I was 19 weeks for my first this pregnancy and 20 weeks with my last. If they do an us and can find the sex, they will tell u if u wanna know
  • It depends on the schedule that day for ultrasounds, they may ask you to come back another day for an ultrasound if they are to booked. If you don't want to know the gender your can tell then before hand and that way they won't just tell you.
  • Oh ok thanks I just thought that was kind of odd because my first time I had it at 8 weeks on my first appt.
  • Yeah my first ultrasound was luckly at my very first appointment which they originally told me wouldn't happen, but the nurse I meet with that day was awesome and checked with the ultrasound tech and found out there was a no show so they took me back instead. :) I didn't know the date of my last period so had no idea how far I was and the nurse said she just couldn't let me leave without a due date. :) Turned out to be 10 weeks.
  • That's good! Good nurses are ummmm HARD to find lol.
  • Lol so true! I work at the hospital I'm going to deliver at and I'm hoping to have a couple chances to go down to labor and delivery and meet with all the nurses there. This is our first but I always here the Dr. just comes in and catches the baby it's the nurses that make the difference.
  • Your so lucky that you work at the same hospital. Yup I just wonder why the nurses are so moody all the time it just throws everything off.
  • Yeah some of the nurses I work with barely even touch their patients, I don't even know why they wanted to be nurses in the first place except the pay. I'm not a nurse but I'm going to school for it and hope to end up in L&D :)

    When you go to your appointment tomorrow you could ask if they will do an ultrasound and if they say no if you have time maybe tell them you'd be willing to wait a little while to see if they have a no show.
  • Most don't even seem like they care and are always rude. The younger ones are always the nicest maybe cuz they haven't been around it that long to get annoyed? Lol. That's cool though Good luck with that ;;) My appt is early too so fingers crossed! Or else I will be one moody person.
  • Lol yeah I was really sad when I called to ask about the ultrasound and they said no, and then the nurse was like well let me see maybe we can get you in and I was so excited cause my mom had come two hours away so it was really neat for her to end up being at the first ultrasound. Fiance was a little bummed to not have been there but he's gonna come to all my other visits now lol
  • Aww sounds like you have a great mother & fiance!
  • Yeah, we thought first appointment was just gonna be paper work stuff and my moms good at that stuff lol and she knows all my family history so she wanted to come. Is anyone going with you tomorrow?
  • So she got a bonus! Lol. I am going to hope my mom goes bt I've been going alone so probably just me.
  • Well I hope she goes with you! I hate going to any kind if dr appointment alone, it's so boring if you have to wait, and it's always good to have two pairs of ears listening and remembering things. My fiances always good at remembering the questions I wanted to ask lol
  • Lol yeah my mind always goes elsewhere so I do need more ears. He doesn't get all impatient? My bd got very impatient before I was even pregnant when I went to just get a pap smear so I don't bother asking him to go with me its less stress lol. Even though he tells me he wants to go bt he hasn't really been supportive so not letting him even see me haha.
  • No he's really patient, he even takes almost half his with day off to come with me, we live fast from the dr office and his with so theres lots of commuting lol

    He was really excited to hear the heartbeat at our last visit he was smiling so big I almost cried lol, made it more real for him.
    He did leave the room though when they checked my cervix though, he was like do you want me to leave and I said no, and he was like are you sure, so I was like do you want to leave lol, he said no but I coukd tell he was embarrassed so I let him go lol He says next time he'll stay lol
  • Lol well that's really nice & supportive of him. Did you two plan this pregnancy? Do you think having the bd for an appt can make a difference for him like maybe make him more supportive?
  • edited March 2011
    No, I was using the nuva ring and got pregnant on it. We wanted kids but I'm only 22 and he's 23 plus in trying yo get through school, so it's not the ideal time but were excited. We've been together 4.5 years though and will be getting married in may, a little sooner than originally planed but I'd rather get married before the babies here so I can enjoy the wedding and not worry about the little one all night lol

    I think it can help them, it made it a lot more real to him then it was before. Maybe you should let your man come with you? I know you said he's not being really supportive, but if he says he wants to go you should maybe give him a chance to show you he really wants to be there for you.
  • Im 20 weeks n gettin my 1 st today
  • How exciting and congrats on the baby and almost wedding! Just don't stress yourself out too much planning it, make him do most of the stressful things lol. True then if I see him being all fake and impatient that will be the last straw.
  • @elyandanthony wow seems like such a long time! Idk how u managed to find patience lol.
  • Yeah thankfully my mom who likes paper work lol also likes calling puerile and setting up appointments and stuff shes like my personal wedding planner it's awesome!
    Good luck with your man, I always try to think people can change so one last chance can't hurt :)
  • Looks like you have yourself your own personal assistant! Lol. Thanks. Me too that's what got me in this situation the first place haha. & good luck with your pregnancy!
  • I was only supposed to get one at twenty and thirty two but due date was off so have ended up with one at fourteen and twenty
  • Im 16 weeks on fri and not had scan yet
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