Up at 1:45am scratching like a crackhead

My allergies have been acting up bad so my Dr referred me to a specialist. Well the joke was on me... The Allergy Dr did a full allergic skin graph on me.

60 shots in my back
13 in one arm
14 in the other arm

I look like I had the worse case of the hives. All of the stuff he injected me with that I was allergic to flared up.

They gave me benedryl, rubbed me down with alcohol and put cream on me... But 3 days later I'm still itching and dealing with this.

Good thing is... Now that they know what I'm allergic to they're mixing up a special customized serum that has only what I'm allergic to... I'll have to go in 3 times a week for 2 to 3 weeks to get an injection.

What the Dr is doing is de-sensitizing my body of any allergy. In 3 weeks I won't have. No one allergy.

Ill be able to have sex on the beach.

Fool around on the picnic blanket in the grass.

It's going down now.


  • Good luck in the mean time you crackhead lol.
  • Ah! Miserable! But you're on the path of allergy freedom. That will be nice once all is said and done. Hope you get some rest soon!
  • Man, my husband needs that done! His prescription allergy meds barely work!
  • I had allergy shots done for two years! I loved the results, THEN I got pregnant and couldn't get injections anymore. My allergies are back, but not as bad.

    It takes about 4 months to start seeing the effects, at least it did for me and my mom.

    Have fun!
  • @mijita ... What? 4 months.. how many times did you go in weekly?
  • Depending on how many allergens are in your cocktail you may need 1 or 2 injections. Normally start out weekly for the first year, although they may evaluate at 6 months. At that point they will decide if you'll go biweekly or monthly. I'm guessing since yours are bad you'll do weekly for the first year.

    Yeah it takes a bit to build the antibodies against your allergens. They inject you with minute amounts of the allergens your are allergic to and up the dosage weekly until you hit the maintenance dose. You'll love the results!
  • edited August 2012
    They told me it would take a year for my son! & one of the possible side effects was death...eeek! I said no thanks lol.

    I hope just a few weeks is true for you, that would be awesome!
  • @wilsomom do you know what is in the shots?
  • @ashley_smashley ... Not sure whats in it.. I'll find out on Thursday. I'm guessing it depends what you're allergic too. @Mijita and @Wilsomom I'm going 3 times a week. They said it was only weeks not months... Gosh, I hope not 3 months or not even 6 months... If its a year they can bet I'll be a drop out ..
  • edited August 2012
    @ashley_smashley no, idk what's in them?
  • I'm allergic to black henna art and coca butter .. Easy to avoid that stuff ..
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