sleep help I'm going crazy!
My lo who is almost. 11 months now has stopped sleeping through the night now for about 2 months. she was waking 2-3 times to eat then go back to sleep. but now she has been waking every 20-30 mins when she's in her crib n I have to cuddle or feed her to sleep. sometimes though she just won't sleep she will be in between us and toss and turn and crawl all over us. idk what to do I'm so worn out I miss my full night sleep!
@sands3 I will have to give the tea a try. if she will drink it she's super picky lately. is it just any chamomile tea or a special one?
off to get some chamomile tea today! @Sands3
its so weird though she is up so many times until about 3 or 4 and then after that she sleeps til 8 or 9! I don't get it! why can't she do the long stretch right away ? at least when I go to bed I'd actually be able to go to sleep right away