sleep help I'm going crazy!

edited August 2012 in Ages & Stages
My lo who is almost. 11 months now has stopped sleeping through the night now for about 2 months. she was waking 2-3 times to eat then go back to sleep. but now she has been waking every 20-30 mins when she's in her crib n I have to cuddle or feed her to sleep. sometimes though she just won't sleep she will be in between us and toss and turn and crawl all over us. idk what to do I'm so worn out I miss my full night sleep!


  • Oh and I don't think its teething cuz she's not crying when she's up. she does cry when she first wakes but stops when I pick her up. I can't just let her cry either cuz she goes from 0-hysterical in about 2 minutes
  • Girl if you find a solution please let me know! We have tried everything and nothing had worked!
  • I was having that problem too and gave my lo chamomile tea last night. He slept straight from 730pm to 5am. He didn't even wake for his paci like he often does
  • I was having the same problem but she stayed with a friend 3 nights ago and she said she slept all night and I was mad because she never does it for me but I figured out what was different and it was that she had a box fan going in her room all night so I tried it at home and she has slept through for the last 3 nights...I feel like its very random but its working!
  • @Lilliansmom she has a fan going in the room! maybe it needs to be turned off... hmmm.
    @sands3 I will have to give the tea a try. if she will drink it she's super picky lately. is it just any chamomile tea or a special one?
  • edited August 2012
    @MorgDeebee how old is your lo?
  • She is 15 months.
  • Any. I got mine a Food Lion. It says 100% natural on it
  • Turning the fan off didn't work :( @Lilliansmom
    off to get some chamomile tea today! @Sands3
    its so weird though she is up so many times until about 3 or 4 and then after that she sleeps til 8 or 9! I don't get it! why can't she do the long stretch right away ? at least when I go to bed I'd actually be able to go to sleep right away
  • @heyitsme Jack slept horribly last night. When he woke up it would take an hour to get him back to sleep. I've noticed he sleeps better if he goes to bed before 8pm. Last night he didn't until 830 cuz we were playing outside :(
  • @Sands3 I wish I could get her down early! she isn't ready until at least 10!
  • @heyitsme dang. I can hardly even stay up til 10. Does she have a set bedtime routine?
  • O man I am going through the same thing how do u do the chamomile? In milk bottle?
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