what kind of meats

edited August 2012 in Solid Foods
Can I give my 9.5 month old daughter? I know chicken is ok as long as its soft, but I didn't know if any others were ok to give? We eat lunch meat are those ok to give her?


  • Not sure about lunch meat...

    But we give any meat we are eating as long as its not spicey. Ollie had ribs yesterday at a BBQ! We start out with small pieces and increase in size as he gets accustomed.
  • Jack loves meatballs! Also sausage. Pretty much everything
  • I don't know about the lunch meats but I know ur not supposed to eat them unless they r cooked when ur pregnant! As for everything else I can my lo whatever we r eating
  • Thanks ladies I guess I just need to start small and work up @ashley_smashley @sands3 @raylansmommy1 yea I only heard turkey because of the listeria(sp) but didnt know about now..guess I will be asking the ped at her apt next week.
  • I bought a food chopper at Walmart got $10 and I love it! Any meat that is too tough for her to chew goes in the chopper and she's able to eat it. Best $10 spent in a long time!
  • No lunch meat! too many nitrates. anything else is ok. but fish you want to stick to salmon and tuna
  • Lily eats everything I eat and she just got her first 2 teeth she has had steak, meatballs, meatloaf, chicken, ham, ribs and probably more I just make the pieces small until I see how she handles chewing it...but I don't know about lunch meat but I probably would give it to her if I was eating it but I don't eat it too often
  • Tht is Wat I do if I have any questions I call the peditrician or my mil
  • @mijita I will have to look into that.
    @heyitsme oh..ok thanks!
    @lilliansmom wow! Ok..I guess I need a wider variety of foods..we are mostly chicken people.
    @raylansmommy1 Yepp they know best!
  • Any kind... he eats turkey, ham, chicken, fish, crab, and others. He has lunch meat at school with the school lunches. We have sausage, meatballs, hotdogs (turkey I think) and stuff for the lunches there...
  • Oh hes 10m now...
  • @lilbit01_209 wow! Thanks for that. I guess I need to broaden our meats more lol. Do you heat the lunch meat up first before giving it to them?
    @blessedtxmom yea so far what we have tried she doesn't mind as long as its not big pieces..I haven't tried any meats yet tho, I'm a little nervous.
  • Lol wonderful! Her poo already stinks! Lol @blessedtxmom
  • No they make sandwiches for lunch with them. No heating...
  • @lilbit01_209 good to know thanks!
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