rash for a week.

edited August 2012 in Babies Health
So my LO is 10 months and can only use pampers diapers. We tried Huggies once but they broke her out really bad. Well we started stockpiling wipes for next baby and have bought huggies wipes with coupons for him. We keep their diapers and wipes in their own closet. Well we went out if town last week and I grabbed a pack of the new baby's wipes to take for my daughter. I noticed last Monday (the 13th) she was getting a rash on her girl parts and butt. One diaper change it'd be really bad and the next it would start clearing up. I used desitin and a cream her doctor had prescribed her before. Nothing helped it. I couldn't figure out the problem until it hit us Sunday(the 19th) that we were using Huggies wipes. Thats the ONLY thing I can figure out that would cause the rash. Nothing else has changed. So we stopped using the Huggies wipes on the 19th. We've continued using the desitin and prescribed creme. Nothing is making this rash go away. Its been 2 days of no huggies wipes and she is still badly broken out. I called her doctor to make an appt to see if its something more but she cant get in for another week. What would you ladies do?? I'd like for her to be seen since it doesnt seem to be clearing up after 2 days. ER? Walk in clinic? Or just wait it out and continue desitin and prescribed medicine?


  • Did u try lotramin cream? Could try an anti fungal cream. Maybe it's a yeast rash? If u haven't already. :) I hope she gets Some relief soon
  • @mommyof3girls no I haven't tried thst yet. I was just talking to my mom and I think I know what the rash could be. I have infantigo and right now Im having a break out of it under my chin. Its really contagious so now I'm afraid I gave her infantigo. :(
  • My lo gets a yeast rash every time I use anything huggies on him. I don't know what it is in their products, but they are no bueno for little butts! Try using an anti fungal cream if it's not clearing up with the regular creams.
  • @erika22 thanks. That never crossed my mind to use.
  • Lotramin is the BEST!! Tessa gets a yeast rash once in a while and I use Lotramin and a+d ointment and it's gone within 24 hrs.
  • Yeah huggies ANYTHING gives my babies rashes. Lotrimin and A&D mixed always clears it up!
  • @starrxoxo9 and @mrsstanley_x2 thanks ladies! Ill check it out.
  • Did her rash go away?
  • @trixiesmom we took her to a new pediatrician (ours couldn't work us in) and they said it was a yeast infection and gave us some medicine. I do not think its a yeast infection at all. The bumps and marks are STILL on her but are slowly getting better.
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