tonsils are gone now lol. Update IM HOME YAY

So yeah I am now extremely sore and groggy but have had tonsils removed. I just had my oncologist come up to see how I was feeling and got a major lecture about my weight loss. Before starting chemo I weighed 127kg I am now down to 90kg so have lost 30kg in about 2 months. Or for you guys a little under 90lbs.

I didn't actually realise it has been so much so am now being put on a special diet apparently which should be fun not.

Oh well its time to eat apparently so be back later.


  • Get better! Haven't had my tonsils taken out but I heard its painful... Do you really get to eat all the ice cream you want? Lol
  • @mommimisha I know other people get to eat loads of it but I'm lactose intolerant and now on a strict hospital approved eating plan (blah) lol. Most of what I'm getting at moment probably has less lumps and texture than my babies food so yeah.
  • Eeeek! Hope you feel better soon. I'm glad they're looking after you.
  • @Mijita I knew I would see your name appear lol. They are rather annoyed with my weight loss now lol.
  • rest up and feel better! That sucks no ice creme for you. Hope you gain some of that weight back!
  • @1stWoodsBaby I don't want it back I'm actually looking good just want hair again lol
  • Haha.. well if you are happy then thats good! Will your hair grow back after the treatments are over?
  • Lol. Even in a crap storm, you're so upbeat. I love that in a patient. Sorry they're making you eat baby food...essentially. You should play it up and ask your doc if you haven't had to suffer enough. Lol Maybe jello and popcicles then, if you don't eat lactose. Keep up the good spirits. :)
  • You are one amazing man!
  • @1stWoodsBaby yeah hair will grow back eventually lol.
    @RTMommy hospital jelly is worse than torture lol and anything cold is agony at the moment but have been having chicken soup which tastes ok. I am trying to stay upbeat about things otherwise I think I would have fallen in a huge heap a while back and I can assure you I've come close.

    @Wilsomom thanks.
  • edited August 2012
    I'm always watching for your posts and checking on you. I'm sure they've explained their concern with you weight loss, but in case they haven't I'll enlighten you a tad. It's not so much the weight loss per say, but what the weight loss implies -- poor nutrition. Considering the rate of weight loss they are concerned what can occur should it continue at this rate.

    First, you are nutrient deficient which may cause wasting, weakness, an increase in compromised immune system which can all make you intolerant to your cancer treatment.

    Secondly, this lack of nutrition can cause malnourishment, which leads to muscle wasting and fatigue.

    This it's where nutrition (eating) comes in, lol. Eating provides the energy (calories) you need to prevent all of the above, plus incorporating protein helps regain strength and muscle repair. Therefore young man, it is very important for you to maintain a healthy diet, especially since you are fighting cancer.

    I'm not sure what diet they have you on, but on your worse days try power foods that pack a punch of calories and protein. Very little of these foods go a long way.

    Power foods... Cheese, eggs, nuts, peanuts, seeds, avocado, peanut butter (or other butters) and dried fruits.

    Ok, I'm rambling now. Keep your head up.

    Ooooh, and that picture of you was exactly how I pictured you. :)
  • Firstly @Mijita yes mum lol. As for diet they went over what I have been eating lately and worked out I was having an average of only 600-750 calories a day. They are basically bumping that up to around 2300 calories a or putting me on a crap load of stuff lol.

    As for that picture I'm nowa lot slimmer and will upload a new picture soon.
  • Yea, that's very little. Sounds like you got a good group of people looking after you. Make sure to get plenty of protein too.

    It's amazing how much crud collects in our tonsils, you are going to notice such a difference.

    Hope you and bubs are back to normal (or what you classify as normal) soon.
  • @Mijita well they were going to let me go home tonight but have been running a high temperature for the last hour now so keeping me for another 24hrs minimum. I am so over hospitals lol but at least I have some visitors coming soon apparently so should ease the boredom for a while.

    I have actually been studying today when I felt up to it lol. Still have about 5000 words to do on a criminology assignment though so guess I should do more later lol.
  • Glad it all went well! Eat up!!
  • I would visit if we were in the same country. Lol. I hope you get over that fever.
  • I'm home now but kind of wish I was back in there as kids are going crazy and I can't yell lol.
  • I hope they behave. Im sorry. Sometimes its easier to be in the hospital. Lol.
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