he got her sick!

I am beyond upset! Hubby got our lo sick. I know its bound to happen but seriously?! If you can barely do anything but lay on the couch why on earth would you be around our kid?! Granted he had to watch her while I was at work when he was feeling better, butnow she has caught his cough and it makes me mad cause there isn't anything I can give her since she is only 9.5 months old. And he should know better. We keep hand sanitizer in the house on a regular bases! Ugh just mad he didn't use his head on this. Ok vent over now.


  • I understand where you are coming from, but I'm sure he didnt do it on purpose and if he had to watch her then it is not his fault. Just wait until you have more kids, they pass germs so easily, it is very difficult to stop it.
  • If he didn't cover his coughs and sneezes, then it was bound to happen.

    Hope your LO gets better quick!
  • I understand your frustration but honestly anything short of constantly sanitizing his, hands, arms, face, and clothes. Then spraying the air with lysol not to mention anything he might of touched lo will get sick. Trust me I tried (and failed miserably!) to avoid it myself several times.

    Lol I'm remembering the first time my poor son came home with a stuffy nose when Lilium was a few months old, I swear I must of followed him around with clorox wipes and lysol all week and he must of washed his hands a million times and didn't go near his new sister... She still got the sniffles.

    Look on the bright side it helps Lo build immunity.
  • Malia and I were both sick when she was 6 months. Her for 3 weeks, me longer. We flew to Texas to visit my family, they were all sick. It happens :/
  • Oh I know he didn't mean to and I know he tried to prevent it and it just happens but it still it sucks cause she is just more cranky than usual and only wants me but I had to work. Plus he gets frustrated faster because he doesn't feel well. So I just needed to vent and thank you all for making me feel better. She honestly could've done it herself with all the stuff she puts in her mouth these days lol.
    @my2boys @blessedtxmom @mijita @conreeaght @caroline8_p
  • Hylands sells a cough syrup that is completely all natural and safe for baby. You can find it at walgreens or Target. It's in a light blue and pink box. Sorry your LO s sick. Ollie just got over a little summer cold! His cough was awful!
  • @blessedtxmom thanks no it def is not.
    @ashley_smashley thanks I will be looking for it today.
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