when did you

When did you start buying baby stuff. Im only 6 Weeks haven't even heard the heart beat and I want to buy stuff. I'm holding back though. Lol im just so excited I can't stand it


  • I bought baby stuff when I knew what I was having.
  • We waited until we knew what we were having.
  • I bought like 2 neutral small items at around 14 weeks. The rest after we knew which was at 20 weeks.
  • I waited till I was around 28-30 weeks. I put off that long because of my dad. He's superstitious and also made the point of how hard it would be to deal with all that stuff if something tragic were to happen. If he had it his way, we wouldnt of bought anything till she was born. Lol. I will warn you, if you wait as long as I did, it'll make for a busy last few weeks! Though on the plus side, you get out of all the work like building the crib, or moving heavy boxes lol
  • When I found out what I was having :)
  • I started buying diapers asap.. You will need them for sure but I would wait til u hear hb
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