Hurricanes :(

edited August 2012 in Current Events
I live in South Florida, and never watch the weather. I just happened to switch it on, and there's a hurricane coming right at us! Not what I wanted to see on the radar. I really hope it misses us..I don't want to go into labor during a hurricane lol I hope the other mamas that live here stay safe, and have stocked up on the essentials in case it does hit us!!


  • edited August 2012
    Oh no! Hopefully it bypasses you. My husband's boss's daughter (wow) went into labor during a bad tornado and the town was tore apart. They had people in the hallways at the hospital and streets were blocked off. Her doctor had to squeeze through road blocks and barely made it on time. I'd say that would be an eventful labor and birth story!
  • edited August 2012
    Hurricanes in the summer? That's something us Cali folks know nothing about.

    What's the news saying now? Update?
  • @1stwoodsbaby wow! That is crazy! I looked up the local hospital that's near by and they are offering pregnant women who are 38 weeks and up, that they can come and stay in the lobby of the hospital if they are scared they'll go into labor!
  • Hopefully it passes! How far along are u? I would wanna wait at the hospital just in case
  • @ynvtish it's hurricane season here..I think until the end of November. It's supposed to hit on Monday, and there's another one forming behind it.

    @myheartzx3 I'm 38 weeks
  • I saw that today too. I hope it misses y'all! I live on the NC coast and I hope none come our way
  • @sands3 I hope it doesn't go that way if it misses us! I live on the coast here too..don't want to deal with the flooding :(
  • I know! We got hit last year. I don't remember the name but I fled to my parents house. I was like 7-8 months pregnant and have a 4 yr old and my husband was deployed...I was not going thru that alone. I heard it got pretty bad and the power was out for awhile. At least this yr my husband is home
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