My 4yr old RAN AWAY
I caught my son and 2 nephews riding bikes in the street and i started taking the bikes. My nephew took my neices bike and ran away, he's 7. My 4yr old was mad and decided he was going with. I tried chasing them afrer craming the other 3 in the stroller. They were too fast. The ran to my sisters house, nephews house and got another bike. She lives by interstate 80. They rode through the neighborhood and we couldnt find them anywhere, my aunt went by car while i waited back at the house. They showed back up an hour later laughing cause we couldnt find them. He's only doing it because my nephew, who is adhd bipolar and psychotic and was out of his meds, was doing it. But this whole attitude and shit is starting to stick. Idk what to do anymore. I was 1min away from calling the police. I had a panic attack and my chest and upper back still hurts a little. Im at my wits end with my 4yo. How do you even discipline this? I took his bike away, until his birthday. He's not allowed outside without ME. And right now hes writing "I will not run away." 25 times. Is this reasonable? Harsh? Not enough?