Any diabetic Preglies

So I just did a blood work up last month and part of the outcome was I'm "just barely" diabetic. My Dr would rather me eat healthy to bring my sugar down... Instead if medicating me.

Are there any diabetic preglies in the house?

I've been peeing all day and I vomited twice. Are these symptoms related?


  • Frequent urination is, vomiting is not common.
  • Vomiting isn't a classic sign of diabetes, but frequent urination is. Glad you're trying diet modification first :) Not many diabetics require insulin anyways or oral meds.
  • @captivated .. yeah I'm doing really well too. I've lost 15 pounds this month and still have 1 week to go.
  • I am "borderline diabetic " as well ive been really bad about dieting but yesssssssss peeing allot is truly a symptom and my mom gets swollen and vomits if she has a sugar overload
  • Just had to throw my two sense in....@ captivated, there are type 1 diabetics, who always require insulin, they have no choice.type 2 are diet and weight controlled, when no changes are made oral meds and insulin required, I call Ot self inflicted because it is.....type 1 is genetic and sucks. Symptoms include dehydration, frequent urination, weight loss, vomiting, rash from amount of acid in Urine.....
  • I am type 2. Found about almost 3yrs ago. Mine is controlled by meds though. When I found out I was diabetic, I actually thought I was pregnant cause I was vomiting. But mine sugar was VERY high then.
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